Dive Off a Cliff

It is possible to successfully jump off a cliff into a lake or the ocean. In fact, it's an extreme sport for some people, and it's a tourist attraction in places such as La Quebrada in Mexico where the famed clavadistas dive regularly each day.

However, while this equipment-free extreme sport can be both fun and thrilling, it can be very dangerous and tourism promoters don't ever promote cliff-diving as an activity. If you don't know the proper procedures, your first dive could also be your last.

This article is an educational exercise to help you learn what you're in for if you do decide to try this extreme sport some day. And as with any extreme sport, having a guide and training first is both essential and sensible, so these instructions are provided for general educational purposes only and are by no means a substitute for proper training or expertise!


  1. Find a cliff with a significant amount of water underneath it. The need for a certain Calculate the Weight of a Body of Water is determined by the height of the cliff; for example, for 30-40 feet (9-12 meters) of drop, the water below must be at least 12 feet (4+ meters) deep and free of any objects. If there is significant wave action be certain that when the wave is out you still have the minimum amount of water depth below you. Research the area you're planning to jump off and also check out the guidelines put in place by the World High Diving Federation because they have some very useful height and depth measurements that they have calculated to reduce risks.[1] Also ask boaters, expert jumpers who have already jumped the relevant cliff, marina or tourist staff, and other people who would have knowledge about the cliff and its suitability for diving off. If it's already a place where people jump off successfully, that may be a good reassurance or may give you cause to pause if you learn otherwise. See "Tips" for famous cliff-diving locations.
    • Be aware of the laws regarding the Avoid Falling Off a Cliff. If it's a tourist attraction like La Quebrada, you can be certain that no tourist will actually be allowed to perform a dive. And if it's a known diving location, there may be warning signs or requirements in place that you need to know about. Ask around before assuming anything.
    • Check out access to the cliff. Unless you're diving in shoes (see next step), you may be clambering up a rocky cliff face in bare feet and you'll need to know which access routes the experienced cliff divers usually use.
  2. Dress appropriately. For a cliff jump under 30 feet, wear a secure and aerodynamic bathing suit; avoid anything flimsy or flapping and definitely have nothing that's over-sized. Remember - this gear has to stay on when you land in that water!
    • For cliffs over 30 feet, it is best to jump in soft cloth shorts and have Buy Tennis Shoes on your feet.
    • Goggles are not recommended during a jump as they will fly off when you hit the water.
    • Some advice suggests that a wetsuit is best because it provides impact cushioning between your skin and the water as you hit it.
    • Preferably, don't wear glasses but contacts are permissible if you're good at keeping your eyes shut until you surface.
  3. Check for rocks. Find a pair of excellent goggles and a snorkel for the checking crew to wear. Have at least two snorkelers swim underneath the cliff you intend to jump off as "spotters" for possible dangers. They will examine the area for hidden rocks, branches, limbs, or other projections that could cause you harm when you jump and hit the water. While snorkeling, identify a location that will allow jumpers to climb back out of the water and to the top of the cliff again.
    • An example of a landing danger is shown by La Quebrada's unique situation. The cliff dive here can only be undertaken at high tide and even then the dive must end when an incoming wave pushes up the water to its highest point in the inlet! That kind of precision takes years of training and care and isn't something you can just jump into unawares.
  4. Check the cliff itself for obstacles. Are there any snags, parts jutting out, or other possible obstacles that could break your fall or throw you off course? Be sure to avoid any cliff that has such problems because they increase the risk tremendously. Another thing to check for is the safest way back to shore, avoiding rocks and riptides, etc.
    • Also look for wind problems. Everything may look great but certain features might cause wind problems that could slam you back into the cliff. Ask experts who have dived off that cliff first.
    • Is there wildlife hanging about? Even hitting a fish can cause injury but hitting a dolphin, whale or seal will definitely cause problems. Avoid any area teeming with wildlife.
  5. Be under no illusions – cliff-diving does present a danger to your body. Diving off a cliff is not only dangerous because of the cliff itself and the water below but also because of the speed of impact. A jump from 20 feet (6 meters) above water will cause you to hit the water at 25 mph (40 kph) and that can compress your spine, break your bones or cause concussion.[2]
    • The World High Diving Federation recommends that no cliff dives of 65.5 feet (20 meters) or higher take place without professional scuba divers being positioned in the water.[2]
    • Before you attempt a cliff dive – can you dive? It's foolhardy to be jumping off a cliff not knowing the basic principles of a safe and good dive technique and to know how it feels to dive. It's recommended that you practice diving off Do a Flip off a Diving Board at the local pool before trying cliff diving. And this should also be done under supervision until you know what you're doing – diving at any height is dangerous when you don't know how to do it properly.
  6. Make the great jump! You will need to propel yourself off the cliff using your knees as a propulsion unit. Falling off the cliff is dangerous as you may hit the side on your way down. Jumping away from the surface will keep you away from the side of the cliff and protect you from harm.
    • Start by standing erect, with feet together, arms raised straight above your head and bend your knees.
    • Bring your arms down, then back to Do Hip Lifts for Your Abdominals level and sweep them forward as you drive forward with your legs.
    • Leap straight out with your body facing perpendicular to the water. While still perpendicular to the water, arch your back and as you do so, gravity will pull you to the vertical position.
    • In the air, you will need to be as straight as possible (like a pencil). Once gravity has pulled you to this position, bring your arms over your head and place your right hand in a Make a Fist in Karate with your left locked over it (or vice versa if preferred).
    • Jump staying straight, with your toes pointed to the water at all times.
    • Enter the water vertically, perpendicular to the surface. Do not aim to land on your face, stomach, or bottom as this can incur severe damage if you do.
  7. Land well. When you hit the water, stretch your legs and arms out and arch your back. This will keep you from going too deep into the water. Swim to the top and then find your predetermined location to climb back up!
    • If people are watching, give them a wave to let them know you're okay.
  8. Finished.


  • There are a number of high diving/cliff diving championships around the world each year. Do an online search to find one near you and see if you can go along as a spectator. You'll learn a lot from watching and if you can get a chance to talk to the competitors, you might get some really helpful tips.
  • Watch online videos of cliff dives to get a feel for how it looks. Listen to what experienced cliff divers have to say about the experience of cliff-diving and especially soak up their tips for doing it successfully.
  • Famous cliff-diving locations include: Dubrovnik, Croatia; Jamaica; Aveno, Switzerland.[3]


  • Avoid fancy moves until you're a total pro. Doing twists or back flips could land you in the morgue.
  • Never cliff-dive alone; always have someone spotting or hanging about in the water waiting for you.
  • Jumping off of a cliff is dangerous and may result in injury. It should only be done under expert supervision when you're a novice.
  • If water is too shallow, you can severely injure yourself and get killed. Always check the depth of the water carefully.
  • Common injuries among cliff divers include bruises, broken bones, concussion, dislocated joints, compressed spine, injured discs and paralysis.[2] And, of course, death.

Things You'll Need

  • Appropriate clothing
  • A suitable cliff
  • Expert training and guide
  • A will (any person participating in extreme sports should have their legal and financial affairs all in order)

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Sources and Citations

  • Richard O'Brien, The Ultimate Sports Handbook, pp. 144-148, (2005), ISBN 1-59474-034-8 – research source
  • Show Me How, 500 Things You Should Know, #389, (2008), ISBN 978-1-74196-327-4 – research source