Free Dive
Free diving is an incredible experience. It is more than just visiting the wonderful underwater world; it is being a part of it. Though free diving and apnea is rewarding and accessible to nearly everyone, it is also one of the most dangerous sports in the world so must be treated with respect. These tips are only a guideline and anyone looking to take part is strongly advised to seek professional guidance and should never ever try this without someone to keep you safe. When you start off, practice in a pool. It's often worthwhile to check with the lifeguard first, but they are usually happy enough if you have someone to watch over you.
- Get a buddy first. The number one rule of free diving is to never dive alone. Make sure you are with someone who knows what you are doing and will be with you the entire time you are in the water. Many places have free diving clubs where you can meet others interested in training. Also check online forums if you don't have any friends who are interested in diving with you.
- Learn and practice the "buddy system". When diving with a group, always pair up with a buddy. Your buddy is responsible only for you and you are responsible only for him. One is always on the surface while the other is under water.
- Get your gear. Make sure you have a mask and snorkel before you start practicing in the water. Select a mask that fits well and feels comfortable; you two will be spending lots of time together. When you move onto open water dives, you'll want a wetsuit to provide some protection from the cold; again make sure it fits well. Too tight and it will restrict movement and breathing and can be rather painful; too loose and it won't keep any cold out. A pair of fins will help you make the most of your time underwater, allowing you to swim further with less effort. European-made long fins are ideal for free diving.
- Sit beside the pool and get to know your mask. Practice breathing through your mouth with the snorkel. Get used to the feeling of the mask, as it is a strange sensation to start off with.
- Get wet! Walk into the pool up to your middle and try using your snorkel whilst standing in the water. This can take a long while to get used to, since putting your head under water breathing in is not a natural thing to do. Just take it at your own pace and allow yourself to get comfortable with the whole, strange situation.
- Strike a pose. There are two positions free divers use: horizontal and inverted. The first one you'll need is the horizontal position. Hold onto the side of the pool and gently float yourself, face down, in the water. Keep breathing slowly and a little deeper to compensate for the snorkels dead air space.
- Practice clearing your snorkel. As you dive down your snorkel will fill up with water. When you come up to breath the last thing you want after an epic long dive is to come up and empty your snorkel into your lungs! So, while floating in the horizontal position, dip your head under water and let a little bit of water into the snorkel. Use a short sharp breath to clear purge the water and leave you free to breath. Keep practicing this until you are comfortable clearing a full snorkel. You can also remove the snorkel from your mouth before the dive and you will breathe without the snorkel after the dive.
- Relax. Now that you're comfortable with your snorkel and happily floating around, it's time to completely relax yourself in the water. While you float on the surface, simply curl up into the fetal position. Some divers will even come close to falling asleep in this position. This state of mind will be your mental base. Recall this feeling when you're diving to keep yourself calm and relaxed and help you dive longer and more comfortably.
- Practice using the three key fin strokes: the flutter, frog and dolphin. The flutter kick will be your standard way of moving, just like when doing front crawl kick with alternating feet. The frog kick relieves tired muscles after all that fluttering. For short bursts of speed (and pretending to be a mermaid), use the dolphin kick. Use short kicks, make sure the blade doesn't bend more than 30 degrees to decrease energy wastage. Take a cue from the fish—to pick up speed, use rapid small fin beats.
- Practice the surface dive. This is one fluid movement where the diver takes a breath, bends at the waist, and dives vertically below the surface whilst clearing their ears. This technique is complex yet easy to master. Gain some momentum and take a deep breath out then inhale deeply, spreading you shoulders for maximum air intake. Bend at the waist and, keeping one arm at your side, seal the nose pocket of your mask with the other hand for ear clearing (see tips) and raise the opposite leg. Keep practicing until you can get a perfect, vertical descent.
- Now you have armed yourself with the basic skills, keep practicing! The key to longer breath hold-times is practice. If you have been practicing so far in a pool (which you better had!) when you first step into the ocean you'll be comfortable and confident, able to calmly purge your snorkel when water gets in, and gently slip beneath the surface to enjoy the incredible world below the waves.
- You will need to equalize once you dive below the surface. Do this by sealing nose shut and trying to exhale. Don't pinch the nose pocket as this can break the seal of your mask, instead use one hand seal your nostrils against the plastic of the nose pocket. The cardinal rule is equalize early and regularly, don't wait until the pressure is painful or even uncomfortable. Don't continue to dive if you haven't fully equalized the pressure in your ears. Do not dive deeply if you have a cold or are unable to equalize, you may do serious damage to your ear drums.
- When doing static long breath holds make sure you and your safety partner know exactly what each other are doing. It's best to do a consciousness check every 15 seconds where the safety partner taps the diver on the left shoulder and is answered by the diver extending their index finger. The diver has 2 seconds to respond and the partner checks twice. If there's no response the second time the partner pulls the diver out, tells them to breath and blows on the divers eyelids.
- Find a competent patient instructor, they can guide you through your free diving journey and help you make informed decisions on equipment.
- Practice breathing with pursed lips, this conditions your lungs and the stretch receptors around them to deal with the pressures of long breath holding.
- Don't panic! When diving your lungs compress and the water pressure can feel very disconcerting, if you don't feel comfortable, don't dive deeper, take a breath and try again calmly.
- Practicing diaphragm breathing will improve your oxygen intake: put one hand on your sternum (just below your throat) and one hand on your stomach, take a deep slow breath pushing the hand on your stomach up without moving your chest; breath out slowly pushing your belly down with the appropriate hand.
- You don´t need the snorkel when you are under water. Remove it from your mouth before the dive and you will breathe easier after surfacing.
- Yoga is another good way to learn the relaxed state of mind as well as strengthening your body for the extreme demands of free diving.
- Wait at least three minutes (or three times longer than your last dive time) before attempting another dive to prevent a blackout on the next dive.
- After every dive take at least three deep and fast breaths and if you feel okay show your buddy the OK sign.
- Stay hydrated. Drink lots of water before you go free diving and take a bottle with you if possible.
- Never dive unless you are with someone who could rescue you from the depths you'll be going to.
- Never dive at night or in a strong current area. Currents get significantly stronger farther down.
- Never free deep dive with ear or sinus infection or blockage, the pressure can often worsen the problem and cause lasting damage.
- Never ever ever dive alone. Deep dives and breath holding can cause blackouts and you MUST have someone with you to fish you out if anything does go wrong preferably someone trained in free diving and rescuing.
- Never hyperventilate. Hyperventilation can delay the urge to breathe so long that you can blackout with absolutely no warning. Breathe slowly and relaxed before the dive.
- Don´t dive with a full stomach. Wait at least four hours after a big meal or two hours after a snack.
- Never exhale during the dive. You need the oxygen which is in your lungs so don´t waste it.
Things You'll Need
- Mask and snorkel; pick a well fitted comfortable mask that you can happily spend a long time wearing.
- Wetsuit; for cold water diving, again pick one that fits well and is warm and comfortable.
- Fins; look for fins appropriate for the type of dives you will be doing, long fins are by far the most efficient for propulsion but can sacrifice maneuverability.
- Weights; be very, very careful with weights. Only ever use them if you can be certain you'll be able to keep your snorkel above water and if you are ever struggling to reach the surface it is better to lose the weights than lose consciousness.
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