Divide and Transplant Daylilies

Daylilies are hardy perennial plants that produce an abundance of showy flowers in a wide range of colors. Each flower lasts only a day (hence the name, daylilies) but there are so many flowers on each plant that the floral display typically lasts for 30 to 45 days. Daylilies are vigorous growers and can be divided and transplanted every 3 to 5 years.


  1. Choose the time of year you want to divide your daylilies. It is best to divide them in early spring before they begin their yearly growth or wait until late summer when flowering is done. Whenever you choose to divide the plants, they may not produce flowers the first summer, or may produce fewer flowers than normal.
  2. Prepare the new site for transplanting.
    • Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.
    • Dig the soil and till it to a depth of 8 to 12 inches (20 to 30 cm).
    • Amend the soil by adding organic compost if necessary. Daylilies do best in rich, moist soil.
  3. Remove the mulch around the established cluster of lilies using a rake.
  4. Dig the lilies from the ground.
    • Stick the tines of a garden fork into the soil 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm) away from the base of the plant.
    • Push the garden fork's handle down gently to pry the roots from the ground.
    • Move the fork over and continue loosening the roots. Move the fork all the way around the clump of daylilies until the roots are free from the soil.
    • Lift the loosened clump of plants and soil from the ground with a shovel.
  5. Divide the daylilies.
    • Stick 2 garden forks, back to back, into the center of the root ball.
    • Push the handles of the forks apart, separating the roots.
    • Divide each new division in the same way if your clusters are still too large or if you want to make more new transplants. Be sure that each division has at least three sets of fan leaves.
  6. Transplant the divisions.
    • Dig a hole for each new transplant. The hole should be deep enough to plant the roots to the same depth as they were before. Make the holes 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm) wider than the width of the root balls.
    • Plant the new divisions into the holes and then backfill the holes with soil. Tamp down the ground around each plant to firm it up.
    • Apply a layer of mulch to the soil.
  7. Cut back the foliage on the new plants to 12 inches (30 cm) if you transplant them after they are done flowering for the year. If you transplant lilies in the spring before they flower, do not cut the foliage back.
  8. Water the new plants well. Keep the area well-watered until they become established.


  • When daylilies need to be divided, the center of the plant clump has less foliage and flowers than the plants on the outer part of the clump. Dividing the lilies helps revitalize the plants.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden fork
  • Shovel
  • Compost
  • Mulch

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