Harvest Tulips
Tulips should be harvested in the early spring, just as they begin to grow. To harvest tulips, you pick them out of the ground, cut off the bulbs, and wrap them in paper towel. Store your tulips in water and replace it regularly to preserve them.
Harvesting at the Right Time
- Watch for tulip growth in early spring. Tulips usually start to grow in early spring. When you notice the bulbs of tulips poking through the ground, it's time to prepare for harvest. As soon as tulips begin to emerge, care for them to encourage a quality harvest.
- Increase watering when you see new growth. Once tulips begin to poke through the ground, water them extra. This encourages them to mature into strong plants, giving you a strong harvest. Water tulips with about two inches of water a week. This will keep the soil wet enough to provide you with quality tulips.
- Sunlight is also important, especially if you're keeping tulips indoors. As they start to bloom, tulips need exposure to direct sunlight for six to eight hours a day.
- Watch for the advanced bud stage. For best results, tulips should be harvested during what is called the advanced bud stage. At this point, blossoms should still be closed. However, the stems should have risen sufficiently out of the ground and the blossoms should be a dark, strong color.
Picking Your Tulips
- Pull tulips up by the stem. Start low to the ground when picking tulips, grabbing onto the base of a tulip's stem. Reach as close to soil level as possible and grasp the stem. Pull upward to remove the stem from the ground.
- Cut off the bulbs. In some cases, the bulb found underneath the soil is uprooted with the stem. If you pull up the tulip's bulb, this should be removed. Cut off the bulb using a pair of gardens shears.
- Wrap the tulips in paper. Use floral paper wrapped into a funnel shape to secure the upper two thirds of the flower. Stems can sometimes bend after tulips are picked, so wrapping the tulips in paper can keep the stems straight. After wrapping your tulips in paper, place the stems in water and leave them for a few hours to encourage proper stem growth.
- Trim the tulips. After bringing your tulips home, take a pair of garden shears. Use these to cut about one quarter of an inch (about .6 centimeters) from the tips of each tulip.
Storing Your Tulips
- Place your tulips in water. Just after trimming your tulip stems, immerse the stems in water. You do not need to add any fertilizer or other additives to the water. Simple tap water should be enough to keep tulips strong.
- Dry your tulips. If you want to dry your tulips to preserve them, strip away any unwanted leaves and cut the tulips to your desired length. Hang your tulips from a flower using unscented dental floss in a dark area with good circulation, such as an attic or closet. Hang the tulips from their stems so the flowers point downwards. Tulips take two to three weeks to dry.
- Replace the water and trim the tulips daily. Each day, pour out the old water and replace it with fresh water. Trim another half inch off the tulip's stem during this time. This will help the tulips stay strong longer.
- Keep tulips in a cool room. Tulips thrive in colder temperatures. To keep your tulips fresh longer, store them in a cold room in your home. Keep them away from sources of heat, such as ovens.
- Discard tulips after three to seven days. Once tulips bloom, they have a shelf life even with proper care. Tulips will begin to wilt in three to seven days. After this time has passed, discard your tulips.
Sources and Citations
- ↑ http://www.floretflowers.com/resources/how-to-grow-tulips/
- https://www.hunker.com/12002683/how-to-take-care-of-a-tulip-plant-in-a-pot
- ↑ http://www.bhg.com/gardening/flowers/bulbs/how-and-when-do-i-cut-tulips-to-put-them-in-a-vase/
- ↑ http://www.burnsidefarms.com/how-to-pick-tulips/
- http://www.proflowers.com/blog/how-to-dry-flowers