Do Better on the SAT

Okay, the mother of all tests, the SATs. Every year seniors stress over doing better on the SATs. Below is some information on how to get your best possible score.


  1. Be familiar with the structure of SATs. The SATs consist of 25 minutes for the essay, two 25 minute sections of math, two 25 minute sections of English/reading comp., a 20 minute section of English/reading comp, a 20 minute section of math, a 10 minute section of writing questions, and a 25 minute section of writing questions. So, there is 70 minutes for math, 70 minutes for reading, and 60 minutes for writing. Combined with breaks, the amount needed to take the SAT is 3 hours 45 minutes. Kind of painful just to think about, isn't it? But don't worry-with proper time management, that time will be well spent.
  2. The Math Section. The section focuses on Algebra I, Algebra II, geometry, and some basic comprehension problems. In the math section, there are usually two very wrong answers. Weed these out and focus on the other answers. Points are not subtracted if you leave a question blank and only 1/4 is deducted for wrong answers. Be sure to check your work, as silly mistakes can bring down your score.
  3. Look into SAT preparation programs for your calculator. They are little known resources that can provide a quick score boost. Some programs can be used during the math section of the test and others can be used in place of verbal flashcards.
  4. Pay attention to the root words of the vocabulary. Instead of studying 5000 vocabulary words, one easier way is to study common roots of words. If you know about roots, prefixes, and suffixes, you will be better off than memorizing long lists.
  5. Practice the passages part in reading. The passage portion consists of a couple of questions for passage one, a couple of questions of passage 2, and compare/contrast questions for two passages. Before reading the passages, read the questions to see what you are supposed to be looking for. The questions always give the number of the line they are talking about, which is helpful. Remember, while it is admirable to painstakingly read each passage and think long and hard about each answer, you are being timed here. That being said, don't skim so quickly that you lose important details and the meaning of the passage. Also, do not attempt to answer the questions without first reading both passages.
  6. Remember the essay part of the reading. The essay is always to be written in persuasive essay format, so be prepared to come up with an argument that takes just one side of the issue in the prompt. An outline is key to structuring your essay. The five paragraph structure works well for this essay and length counts. Studies have found a correlation between long essays and higher scores, as ninety percent of essays over 400 words got the highest possible score of 12 out of 12.
  7. Relax. Remember, it's just a test. Your score doesn't define you as a person and it won't screw up the rest of your life if you don't get a perfect score. All you can do is prepare as much as you can and take the test. After that, it's out of your hands.
  8. Train your working memory for a few weeks ahead of time. This will increase your fluid intelligence which will improve your score.


  • Get a good night's sleep before the test. Being fully rested will give you more energy to get through the rigors of the testing.
  • Remember not to take too long on one problem, especially on math, where the problems normally go from easy to hard.
  • Try printing out previous SAT exams from the internet or buying some from a bookstore. These really help and the questions you get wrong you can focus on.
  • Eliminate answers that don't make sense so you won't be sidetracked with the wrong answers.
  • Be calm when taking the test.
  • All questions are worth the same amount of points. If you are having a hard time with a question, skip it and go on. Come back to it later if you have time.
  • Think it out clearly, because some questions will trick you!
  • If the question seems too easy, its probably just an easy question. Don't overthink it.
  • Bring your ID, a couple of Number 2 pencils, proof of registration, and a calculator to the testing site.
  • Practice taking the SAT in an environment similar to what you would experience on the actual testing day. Remember to time yourself.
  • Always go back and check all your answers if you have time.
  • Borrow SAT books from the library. They are free, updated, and very helpful.
  • Remember that even if you get a score that you think, 'I could have done better then that score', don't give up!


  • Don't spend too much time on one question.
  • The new SAT does not deduct any points off if you answer incorrectly.

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