Develop Good Study Habits for College
College is an entirely different situation than high school. Classes consist of far fewer grades, but they are worth it when you are done. Some classes have only a midterm and final. This being said, it is important to stay caught up. Do not tell yourself, "I'll read the assignment later," because often times you merely end up cramming right before the test; research indicates that cramming is not the best (nor is it the worst) method of studying.
- Review the lesson plan prior to class. Skim through the textbooks. Try to buy your textbooks a few weeks before the semester begins for a glimpse of your classes.
- Take quick notes in class.
- If you read the material before class you will have an idea of what doesn't make sense, and concentrate on your professor's explanation. Why are you buying the textbook for it to collect dust? They have textbooks and lab manuals for a purpose. You will be graded mostly on the book because this is mainly the bulk of the class. Professors are usually here to interpret and clarify the text, and sometimes give their opinion; you are to learn most of the material yourself.
- Don't make notes on what's already in the book, it wastes your time and attention. Highlight the parts emphasized, and listen to the way your professor relates it to what you've already learned. Remember that the professor may be biased so if you tend to not agree with the professor, just stick to the facts.
- If it's repeated more than twice it's going to be on the test.
- Study for at least a total of an hour every day before the next class. For each lecture hour you should expect at least 1-3 hours needed for study- more if it's a challenging class. Studying could involve reading the book, checking out your notes, assignments, using the DVD with the book, browsing the web for information on your class, etc. Many colleges have online learning tools and assignment portals that help you learn your stuff.
- Don't let social activities take priority before studying. If you have to be social, it is great to have a study group. More shy college students benefit with this.
- Plan your breaks in the short and long term. If you must make the Saturday night party, know you'll have to spend the afternoon at the library. If you're spending the day hitting the books, plan an hour off at suppertime, and a treat for dessert.
- Study groups help some remember material, and clarify difficult points and is a great way to have a social life in college at the same time as studying.
- If your friends are in different courses plan on getting together for stress busting periods, especially during exam week. Midnight power walks make great memories.
- If you are not the person to concentrate, try to lighten your load of classes. 12 credits is a good amount of credits to schedule for each semester. That will ensure up to 12-24 hours of studying, assuming that each class has at least 1 hour of studying per credit.
- Always memorize bold vocabulary words in the textbook. These might not be covered by the professor because he'll assume that you're already reading the text. So beware, even things not lectured on may appear on the test.
- Pretend each test you take in college is going to be a make it or break it test for your job. This is not high school, where you can just get on the honor roll. The grades you get may affect the amount of money you get in your paycheck, or the chances of even getting a job in this economy.
During Study Week
- Manage your time wisely. Allow yourself to get enough sleep without wasting the entire day. Set a curfew and stick to it, and get up at a reasonable time in the morning. Set your alarm!
- Prioritize your time. Figure out which finals you need to study for first.
- Go to the library. Cut yourself off from the world while you study and focus on your work.
- Take practice tests, if your teacher provides them. Those are a good way to get an idea for what the final will be like, and an excellent idea to get a good concept of what will be on the test.
- Go to review sessions if they are offered. They can only help, and will give you a good idea of what you should know. Many teachers also drop hints about specific questions that will be on the final.
- Relax. Set aside time to de-stress. You don't want to burn yourself out before the final!
- The problem about studying isn't the actual studying itself, rather it's the getting started part. Most people find that once they have gotten started, it's much easier to continue.
- A very wise professor once said, "How and when to study? Study like there is always going to be an exam the next day. That way when there is, you've been studying for it for weeks."
- You remember things better in short amounts of time - do not study for 4 hours; you will only forget half the things you read. Study for an hour, then take a 5 - 10 minute break to walk around, and study for another hour. Be committed to making the break work for you too- don't get distracted for an hour, make sure you get back within the time you've set for yourself.
- If you don't study for an exam, even though you should have; don't beat yourself up. It actually makes you avoid studying. Instead, tell yourself that you *will* do better next time. Make yourself determined. When questioning on whether or not to study, remember the time that you didn't and felt terrible after the exam. Use this to motivate yourself.
- If highlighters and Post-It notes help you organize and stay focused don't hesitate to put them on your budget.
- Always give yourself a break time and always plan things out one by one. Viewing three tests as one obstacle can become overwhelming.
- If you don't like to study then try to review lectures or notes on Blackboard and review them again at least twice a week. This might help you to pass, but it's significant for you to attend all classes in college.
- Do the subject you don't like first, and move towards the easier tasks. You'll last longer and get more done. It is best to study for class with the most credits. 4 and 5 credit classes have the highest tuition and have the most bulk for assignments, and may require a lot of memorization and analysis.
- When trying to get yourself motivated, don't think about how hard you have to work to get a good grade. Think about how it will be worth it when its over, and how you won't even remember how difficult it was in twenty years. After that time, you'll be thinking instead about how great your life is BECAUSE you worked hard.
- Do not study if you're tired. But don't go with "I'm tired" all the time. Sleep, or go out and exercise, and start again.
- Stay away from distractions while you are studying like computers, TV, non-soothing music (music with lyrics can distract you), etc.
- During all nighters you'll lose as much information from sleepiness as you'll learn from the extra time spent. Stay up late, but make sure you're budgeting at least 6 hours for sleep, even on your night before the big exam. Your brain processes what you've learned in your sleep.
- Do not cram; there is no point in trying to, because you will only remember very little and it won't help your future career because you'll have rotten recall.
- Don't abuse substances too much. Don't use tobacco. Often times, caffeine as well will lead to jitters making it impossible to get any decent studying in.
- If you're going to a party, budget the party AND the sick hangover time as down time in your schedule. Don't try to work through- you'll waste your energy and get frustrated.
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