Do Facebook Nails

Show everyone else the one thing you love to do the most online by putting the logo of the most popular social network on your nails. Facebook nails is an easy and awesome nail art social design, guaranteed to get second looks and maybe some more Facebook friends!


  1. Paint all your nails a solid dark blue. Allow to dry before proceeding to the next step.
  2. Paint light blue tips on each of your nails. You can do this freehand or make it more precise by using scotch tape to create a straight line. Allow to dry before proceeding to the next step.
  3. Paint the Facebook logo on your index finger. Use a makeup brush dipped in white polish. First do the design in the rough, then straighten it up to make it a little neater. This step may take a little practice; have the Facebook logo printed out or on the screen in front of you. Allow to dry before proceeding to the next step.
  4. Add a top coat, let it dry and you're done! Now you can show off your cute nails while you update your status!
    • Be sure to take some photos and show it off in an update.


  • Use a nail art pens for doing the white it will be much neater and easier.
  • Put two or three coats of polish on to help it stay on longer.

Things You'll Need

  • Dark blue polish
  • Light blue polish
  • White polish
  • Nail art brushes and/or dotting tool

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