Do Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is a traditional Indian remedy that has been used for centuries to maintain good health. The process involves swishing oil around your mouth, and is believed to help remove toxins from your body, leaving you healthier and revitalized.  All it requires is a bottle of oil and 10-15 minutes of your time. See Step 1 for more instructions.


Oil Pulling

  1. Purchase a variety of cold-pressed organic oil. Some oil pullers suggest that sesame oil is the most effective oil for oil pulling, while others prefer the taste and texture of coconut oil. Consider alternating oil varieties every couple of days to get the full benefit of all the oils and see what works best for you.
    • Virgin olive oil and sunflower oil are also commonly used for oil pulling. Avoid canola oil and other varieties processed with additives.
  2. First thing in the morning, measure out 1 tablespoon of the oil. It's important to do a pulling before you've consumed any food or drink in the day and also before you've brushed your teeth. You'll have the opportunity to clean your mouth out afterward, and it won't take long to complete the routine.
  3. Swirl the oil around your mouth for 10-15 minutes. The oil will mix with your saliva, absorbing and "pulling" toxins from your mouth. As the oil is swished around the mouth, teeth, gums, and tongue, the oil will continue to absorb toxins, usually turning somewhat viscous and milky.
  4. Spit out the oil and rinse your mouth out thoroughly with warm water. It's important to spit out the oil when it starts to feel thick. This usually takes somewhere between 10 and 15 minutes, and certainly no longer than 20.
    • You don't want to hold it in your mouth so long that the toxins start to reabsorb. Spit into the trash can and rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water, which tends to do a better job getting the oil out than cold. Make sure not to spit it into a sink or toilet, because it may clog the drain.

Developing a Routine

  1. Switch up the variety of oil every couple days. If you want extra power, try adding other ingredients - some people like a bit of mint or some apple cider vinegar for whitening, although results may vary. If you want to try out different oils to see what works best for you and yields the best results, get as many as you'd like and to try to use a different one each morning for a full week. Keep a fully stocked kitchen with a variety of organic oils and experiment with their benefits and uses.
  2. Prepare the oil the night before. Some people are turned off by the concept of making a mouthful of cooking oil the first taste of the morning, but it is important to do before you clean your mouth or consume anything, so make it easy on yourself. Consider measuring out the oil before you go to sleep and leaving it by your bedside, or set out on the bathroom counter top so that you don't have to think about it. Put it in your mouth and start swishing.[1]
    • If you usually keep your toothbrush on the counter, put it away and put a tiny glass of oil in its place. It'll become a habit in no time.
  3. Make it part of a light exercise routine. If you typically do some calisthenics or light stretching in the morning before breakfast, make oil pulling part of the regimen. Wake up your body and get your day started right. The more you make it part of some routine, the easier it will be to make oil pulling a regular thing in your life.
    • Whatever you typically do in the morning, add oil pulling to the routine. Look over the newspaper briefly while swishing the oil, or read your favorite blog.

Understanding the Benefits

  1. Keep your teeth clean with oil. Studies have shown that regular oil pulling reduce the amount of s. mutans, a common oral bacteria responsible for a variety of oral diseases and a major contributor to tooth decay, plaque, gingivitis, and cavities. The lipids in the oil work to pull out bacteria and keep bacteria from sticking to the walls of the mouth.[2]
    • An emulsifier, vegetable oils increase saponification, which accounts for the cleansing, soap-like texture you'll notice when doing an oil pulling.
  2. Consider oil pulling to remedy bad breath. Halitosis is caused by bacteria and fungus in the mouth and on the tongue, and using virgin oils regularly to oil pull will reduce these bacteria and fungi, fighting bad breath and contributing to a clean, healthy mouth. If you struggle with bad breath, work oil pulling into your routine.[3]
  3. Use oil pullings to contribute to all-around Achieve Holistic Healing. Some people attribute oil pulling to the general detoxification of the body and a diversity of positive effects, including reduced hangovers, reduced pain, headache relief, insomnia relief, and other cures.
    • Studies show that virgin oils, sesame in particular, are particularly high in antioxidants sesamol, sesamin, sesamolin, Vitamin E, and antioxidants shown to halt the absorption of bad cholesterol in the liver. The antibacterial qualities of virgin oil support the use of pulling to promote general oral health.


  • When you spit the oil out at the end it should look like milk, this is normal!
  • Do not spit the oil in the sink--it can clog your drain! Especially if you use coconut oil, it is solid at room temperature.
  • For better results make sure the oil is good quality and/or organic


  • Make sure you don't swallow the oil, as it will contain toxins and is really bad for you!

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