Do Standing Splits at the Wall in Yoga

Standing Splits, or Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana, is a challenging pose that will increase your flexibility and focus. The wall will give you guidance and balance at first. Once you have practiced and are comfortable with your ability, you can try a more advanced version away from the wall.


Getting Ready to Do the Standing Splits

  1. Determine if you are well enough for the pose. Standing Split is a challenging pose that can be unsafe for you if you have certain ailments. Do not attempt the Standing Split if you have ankle, knee or lower back injuries.
  2. Recognize the benefits of the Standing Split pose. As with all yoga postures, there are numerous benefits to the Standing Split pose. Some of these benefits include:[1]
    • Improves balance.
    • Strengthens thighs, knees and ankles.
    • Stretches groin muscles.
    • Improves memory and concentration.
    • Relieves stress.
    • Relieves from headaches, anxiety, and depression.
    • Relieves fatigue and insomnia.
  3. Warm up your body. The Standing Split requires that your leg muscles be pliable and warm. Don’t start off this pose without first warming up your body.
    • Try doing a series of Sun Salutations to warm up your body. More importantly, this series will warm up your hamstrings, which is necessary for doing the Standing Split.[1]
  4. Start in Mountain Pose next to a wall. Stand about two feet away from a wall, and face away from the wall. Make sure you have plenty of room in front of you. Stand tall in Mountain Pose, with your feet firmly planted on the ground and your body standing tall.
    • Find a focal point a few feet away from you and concentrate on that. This will help you with your balance. This visual focus is known in yoga as drishti. The principle is that by visually focusing on a single object or point, you are eliminating distractions. You will then sharpen your mental focus.[2]
  5. Focus on your breath. Breathe in deeply, feeling your abdomen expand and contract.[3] Focus on the present moment, letting thoughts slip away.

Performing the Standing Splits

  1. Exhale and bend forward at your hips. Take a deep breath in and reach your arms straight up. When you are ready, exhale and bend your body forward into Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana). Your fingertips will rest on the floor, palms face down.[1]
    • You may need to slightly bend your knees if you have difficulty folding down.
    • If you can straighten your legs, just be careful not to lock your knees.
  2. Turn your gaze to a point on the floor. As you’ve bent forward, your focus has shifted from directly in front of you to the floor. Find a spot to focus on, which will help you concentrate on your balance.
  3. Distribute your weight evenly among your limbs. Your hands and feet should all experience equal weight to start. Gently adjust your body to ensure that your feet are firmly planted on the floor. Do the same with your hands. Push actively and energetically into your fingertips.
    • If your hands don’t quite reach the floor, try resting each hand on a yoga block.[1]
  4. Shift your leg weight to your left leg. In preparation for lifting your right leg, readjust your body so that your weight is shared among your two hands and your left leg.
  5. Raise your right leg until it is parallel with the floor. Take another deep inhalation and carefully draw your right leg upward behind you. Raise your leg so that it is parallel with the floor.
    • While moving your right leg up, press into your left foot to ground yourself. Try moving your inner left thigh up and back while pressing your calf forward.[4]
  6. Make minor adjustments. When your leg is parallel to the floor, this is a good time to adjust your balance and posture so that you can continue the pose.
    • Make sure your left foot is pressed into the floor.
    • Rotate your hips so that they are parallel to the floor.
    • Check your standing leg. Rotate the thigh outward so the kneecap is facing straight ahead.[5]
  7. Walk your hands out slightly. You may need to move your hands out slightly to help maintain your balance as you lift your right leg up higher.
  8. Inhale and walk your right leg up the wall. As you breathe in, press your back leg up higher. You may try resting your right foot gently on the wall to help in maintaining your balance.
    • Try to straighten your standing leg as much as possible.
    • Rest the top of your extended foot against the wall. If it’s possible, carefully walk your left leg back toward the wall so that your right leg is pressed closer to the wall.
  9. Fold into your standing leg. As your right leg extends upward, draw your body downward by hugging your standing leg. [4]
    • Bring your fingertips back to the sides of your standing leg.
  10. Hold the pose for 30 to 60 seconds. Breathe deeply and hold the pose as strongly and actively as possible. As you inhale each breath, imagine your breath traveling from your standing leg up to the top of your toes in the other leg. [4]
  11. Release your leg. Slowly bring down your extended leg, pausing momentarily when it is parallel to the floor. Return to Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold) by releasing your leg all the way to the floor.[1]
  12. Repeat the pose for the other leg. Using the same technique, try the Standing Split on the other side of your body. Hold the pose for 30 to 60 seconds on this side.
    • You may be able to do the Standing Split more easily on one side of your body than on the other. This can happen because you may favor one side over the other, or you may be stronger on one side than the other. Work to improve balance and flexibility for both sides of your body.

Practicing an Advanced Posture

  1. Practice in the middle of a room. Once you’re able to do Standing Split against a wall, you can try it without the wall for balance.
  2. Bend into Standing Forward Fold. Bring your body forward by bending at the hips. Adjust your fingertips and standing leg so that your body weight is distributed evenly across these three foundations. This will help you get ready for Standing Split.
  3. Draw your right leg up slowly and deliberately. When you have removed your body weight from your right leg, start bringing this leg upward. Pretend you are drawing a straight line with your toes on the right foot. Steadily raise your foot upward, reaching with your toes in an active pose.
  4. Try positioning your left forearm against your standing leg. Brace your forearm against the calf of your standing leg to give you more stability. [6]
  5. Stretch your toes on your extended leg. As your right leg reaches toward the ceiling, spread your toes outward in an active pose. Feel the energy draw throughout your leg, strengthening it.
    • Press into the back of your knee, which will help stretch your leg further upward.
  6. Check your alignment. Ensure that your body is properly aligned. Because this pose is asymmetrical, you need to make sure that you don’t put undue pressure on one side of your back or hips. Rotate your hips slightly so that they’re facing forward. Make sure your knee and thigh on your standing leg are facing straight ahead. [6]
  7. Hold the pose for 30 to 60 seconds. Breathe deeply in this pose, imagining your extended leg being drawn up to the sky. Your standing leg grounds into the floor.
    • Hug your shin gently if you can fold that far.
  8. Release the pose and extend the other leg. Engage your body in this opening posture by extending the other leg upward. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds and release.


  • While this pose is challenging, you will find that you are a little more flexible each time. Practice it carefully and patiently.


  • When you practice yoga, do what feels right for your abilities and your body. Talk with a doctor about medical concerns before starting yoga practice.[1]

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