Do a Handstand Push Up

Handstand push ups are a great way to strengthen the entire body, and can be very difficult.


Easy Handstand Push Up

  1. Kick up to a handstand against a wall.
  2. Lower yourself until you touch the floor with the top of your head.
  3. Push back up to handstand.

Hard Handstand Push Up

For this method you need to be at the gym.

  1. Have a coach or a few friends come help you.
  2. Kick up to handstand with your hands hanging over the edge of the tumble-strip. Your spotter will hold you up.
  3. Bend your arms and touch your chin to the underside of the tumble strip. Don't arch your back or bend your knees.


  • Be careful, especially with method two. If you bend your knees and arch your back you will fall and hurt your spotter.


  • If you are not in the best shape don't attempt this. You might fall and hurt yourself or others.

Things You'll Need

  • Wall
  • Moderate to strong physical strength
  • Good balance
  • A spotter

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