Do a Handstand and Stay Up

This article is a guide that will teach you not only how to do a handstand, but also to stay up while performing the handstand using the traditional methods used by USAG gymnasts. The one thing you have to remember that this happens over time, not overnight.


  1. Lock your elbows. If you bend your elbows, you will collapse onto the floor - but if you lock your elbows, you will hold your weight on your hands almost effortlessly.
  2. Start by doing some high kicks. Before you try a handstand, try high kicks. Place your hands about shoulder length apart on the floor in front of you. Lean upon your hands so that a majority of your weight is positioned onto the floor through your hands. Practice kicking one leg at a time up into the air, just to get the feeling of lifting onto your hands. You do not want to go vertical - just kick your legs off the ground one at a time and return to your original position.
  3. Get to the handstand position. Getting everything right is important, you will fall right back down if your form is not perfect.
  4. Establish which foot is more comfortable to start tricks with. A good way to figure this out is to do a cartwheel and see which foot you put in front.
  5. Put your dominant foot in front and put your arms straight up above your ears, and make sure they are locked tight.
  6. Begin to bend straight forward letting your non-dominant foot raise with your body. You should be able to draw a straight line from your hands to your non-dominant foot. Once your hands hit the ground, push off your dominant foot and bring it up to your non-dominant foot which should be straight in the air at this point.
  7. Now that you are in the handstand, avoid these common mistakes:
  8. Keep your arms close to your ears and try not to move your head. If you are trying to look forward, you will lose your balance, it is best to look at your hand to create a center of balance.
  9. Squeeze your bottom in and tighten your stomach, this will not only keep you in a straight line instead of arching, but it will also tighten your handstand to make it look more presentable
  10. Keep your legs firmly together and completely straight, with your toes pointed.
  11. Always remember that if you start to fall down, go with it, or you might injure yourself. When falling backwards, arch your back and try to land in a bridge position. When falling forward, try to land on your feet.
  12. Always pull your pants up ahead of time, doing this will decrease the risk of embarrassment. If you have a short shirt be sure to tuck it into your pants. You don't want your stomach to show.
  13. Remember, you may not get it on the first try. It may take you a few minutes or a few hours. But if you keep practicing you'll get it. Remember that you have to do it slowly or else you will collapse.
  14. Note that like any gymnastics skill, a handstand takes a little bit of practice. Once you become comfortable being in a handstand position, you will be able to hold the handstand for longer and longer amounts of time. Always remember to lock your elbows.
  15. Finished.


  • If you feel like you're going to fall over, tuck your chin to your chest and slowly collapse your arms. This will allow you to roll forward instead of fall flat.
  • When you are up, stare at your hands. This will help your balance if not place your eyes where you feel comfortable.
  • Try to do it on the door, wall, etc. That way, you don't arch your back.
  • It's always good to practice with someone that can already do a handstand so they can give you pointers.
  • When you can do a good handstand, try to do a handstand and then recline your feet to the wall to build strength. Note that this is not an exercise for developing balance, but for building the strength to support yourself for greater periods of time.
  • Practice against a wall, and do arm exercises for strength.
  • If you want your handstand to look good, pointing your toes always adds grace to a handstand and makes it look less sloppy and dopey . If you ever use a handstand in a gymnastics competition, the judges will take off at least a tenth of a point for not having your toes pointed.
  • When practicing, use a mat so if you fall, you will not hurt yourself too badly.
  • Try doing a handstand with a person in front or beside you, then they can keep hold of your legs.when you feel balanced enough tell them to let go.
  • This can be fun and remember to practice on a wall and also you could get someone to hold your feet up and then when you think your ready they can let go.
  • Tense and straighten your non dominant leg to get into the air easier.
  • A better way to start is to put your arms straight in front of you, put them down to your sides, then bring them back up and do a handstand it helps a lot and do not stick your head out.
  • Try moving your hips first and then your legs.
  • If you can feel any discomfort try to get rid of it- Ex: go to the loo first or take pain killers if necessary, to avoid discomfort and help you enjoy the full pleasure of succeeding in something new.
  • Try to put your dominant foot on your other knee, then try to go down.
  • Make sure before you try to accomplish this task you practice getting into a handstand and trying to do a handstand into a roll or a back end on a soft mat or surface to protect yourself from injury.
  • Try to do a handstand on a fairly soft surface, in case you do fall.
  • If you feel like you might fall, don't collapse on both feet, because odds are you might sprain something in your foot, or both feet. Come down one leg at a time if you can, before you lose balance.
  • When coming down, split your legs in the air and come down in a lunging position.
  • If no one will help try against a door or the wall.
  • You should keep your legs together and point your toes.
  • Spread your fingers out a bit and dig your fingertips into the ground.
  • Don't throw yourself into your handstand too powerfully. This will result in you simply going straight over the other side.
  • Make sure that like any gymnasts, keep your legs pointed so that you won't fall!


  • As with any gymnastics skill, there is always a possibility of injury. One of the most common ways to get hurt is to overpower your handstand and fall over. If you begin to fall towards your back, make sure to round out your back and attempt to do a somersault out of it. This will keep you from getting the wind knocked out of you.
  • Even when doing a handstand, it is possible to pull a muscle. Therefore you must stretch before attempting this.
  • Make sure on your first try you have someone spot you. This will make sure that if you do fall, the risk of injury is lower.

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