Do a Heelflip on a Skateboard

'Heelflips' are similar to 'kickflips', except for the fact that you flip the board with your heel, not your toes. Some may find one harder than the other, but it is a matter of personal preference.


  1. Set your back foot on the back of the tail. Set your front foot so ¾ of it is on the skateboard but so that your toes are hanging over a bit.
  2. Crouch down and then spring up in an Ollie, just as you normally would. Before you get to your maximum Ollie height, kick your front foot up and out and try to spin the board using your heel, not toe, rolling your ankle.
  3. Keep your front foot out so that the board can spin under you. Stay above the board. watch for the kick tape to come round. Remember to keep the board from getting caught with your feet.
  4. Bring your front foot back after it's over ¾ of the rotation to catch the board.
  5. Uncompress your legs and land the trick. Try to land ideally,(which is on the bolts). Doing this will provide a safer, smoother landing, and prevent your board from snapping. Remember to roll smoothly!


  • If you can't land it, don't give up hope, just keep trying!
  • If the board ends up behind you when you try to land, try to keep straight when 'ollieing' and keep an eye on the board.
  • Don't forget that you're ollie-ing when doing a heelflip and that you don't flick out until after the board pops.
  • Don't have your toes too far off or the board will over rotate and you won't be able to catch it.
  • When you are first learning to Heelflip, try landing it upside down (landing on the bottom of the board)
  • When you land on your board and one foot is off, When you do a heelflip after you flip the board try to keep your feet on the board when you land.


  • Be careful you can easily land in a credit card position (the board vertically between your legs)
  • Skate within your abilities, don't try it off a 6 set if you can't even get it flat ground.

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