Do a Horizontal Wall Run

Have you ever seen someone run ON a wall sideways and "defy gravity" on it? Here you can learn how by following these easy steps!


  1. Run at a wall at a 45 degree angle.
  2. Plant your jumping foot on the ground a little less than a foot from the wall.
  3. Plant your other foot on the wall.
  4. Push off the ground upward with your jump foot, and forward with your other foot.
  5. Try to get as close to the wall as possible
  6. Proceed to try to step on the wall as if you were actually running on it. Try to get as many steps as possible before gravity takes over and brings you back to the ground.
  7. To get off either angle yourself downward, kick off, or fall as gently as you can while still landing on your feet, or roll.


  • Keep practicing! Keep trying until you get it right! It's hard, but eventually you will "get it"!
  • Keep a quick speed/pace and don't slow down or gravity will catch up and you'll land on the ground.
  • To run onto wall you need horizontal velocity as much as possible and gripping shoes which produce more friction.


  • Do not attempt this if it is raining or has rained very recently. Slipping while attempting the wall run may result in serious injury.
  • Make sure that you don't try this over a gap or between buildings until you have it perfected. Do not attempt to run gaps or spaces without spotters, even if you're good.
  • Make sure to have plenty of spotters and keep safety first. Make sure your shoe-to-wall grip is good. Wear a helmet or protective pads until you've got it down. Laying out a mat beneath the wall will help provide a safe landing.

Things You'll Need

  • Shoes with good grip
  • Loose-fitting clothing
  • Safety equipment - knee and elbow pads, helmet, landing pad
  • Spotters who know what they're doing
  • A safe place to practice

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