Do a Surface Dive

Diving down towards the bottom of a pool (or other body of water) doesn't have to involve diving boards or even getting out of the water! This article explains how to do a surface dive, which is a dive from the surface of the water to the bottom of the pool. There are two methods, these will be explained in the following steps.


  1. Begin by floating or swimming face-down, with your arms extended out in front of you.
  2. Sweep your arms back, bend your knees, tuck your legs toward your chest & bend your waist forward, so your head is pointing toward the bottom.
  3. Straighten your legs and your body until you're upside-down & perpendicular to the surface, with your legs sticking up out of the water. Extend your arms towards the bottom & point your toes.
  4. Once in this upside-down position, the weight of your legs in the air above will push you underwater.
  5. Or,
  6. Tread water in the deep end of the pool.
  7. While treading water, kick your legs faster and take a breath of air. This will raise you up a little and provide momentum.
  8. Stop kicking and keep your body straight.
  9. Push the water up with your arms, then slide them back down. Repeat until you reach the bottom or run out of breath.


  • While doing the second method, blow air out of your nose to prevent water from getting in.
  • Surface diving may be preferable to a normal dive into the sea (off a jetty, for example), if the water depth is unknown, as it will prevent spinal injuries from a dive into shallow water.


  • Do not wear earplugs when diving deep. The water pressure can drive the earplugs deep into the ear canal, damaging your eardrum or worse.
  • Stop diving and come to the surface if you can't blow air out of your nose anymore. This means you don't have any more air and risk drowning.
  • Do not wear goggles when diving deep. The water pressure can be damaging to your health. A swimming mask that covers the nose is acceptable however, because you can blow air into the mask, equalizing the pressure.

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