Do the "Parent Trap Handshake"

Here are the instructions to the secret handshake Annie and Martin do in the "Parent Trap." According to Disney it took Lindsay Lohan (the main character) one hour to learn this. This handshake is best preformed while listening to song #7 on the Parent Trap soundtrack entitled, Soulful Strut.


  1. Stand facing another person.
  2. Extend your right hand and shake hands twice.
  3. Bring hands to a different position. You will be gripping your partners thumb.
  4. Lift and then “throw” your hands apart.
  5. Stick your right hand with your palm facing down out and alternate hands by placing them on top of each other until all four hands are used.
  6. Put your left hand out as if you are going to shake hands instead slap the back of your hand with the back of your partners hand. (You will keep your left hand here the for steps 6, 7, and 8.)
  7. Place your right hand directly above where you just slapped hands and slap hands again. (This time, slap the palms.)
  8. Slap your own hand and then bring/slap your hands directly underneath your left hand.
  9. Move your left hand so that it is directly underneath your right hand and slap hands.
  10. Move your right hand one last time and slap hands again.
  11. Pivot to the side and bump your left hip to your partners left hip.
  12. Pivot the other way and bump your right hip to your partner’s right hip.
  13. Face each other and duck down a bit. You will also put your hands underneath your chin and wiggle your fingers.
  14. Take a big step to the left side of each other and in doing so switch places.
  15. Shake hands again. There you have it! Good luck!

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