Do the Frog Pose in Yoga
The practice of yoga developed in India thousands of years ago. Today it is becoming increasingly popular and has been shown to have numerous health benefits. While the purpose is to create "strength, awareness, and harmony in both mind and body," the Osteopathic Associations notes that yoga has also been show to increase flexibility, increase muscle strength, reduce weight, protect from injury, improve cardio and circulatory health, and more.
There are many poses in yoga and the frog pose, or 'adho mukha mandukasana', is designed to help increase flexibility in your hips, groin, and the inside of your thighs.Contents
Part 1 of 2: Getting Started
- Pay attention to any warnings. While yoga may seem like a benign exercise, if you have an injury history you need to be careful with the poses your perform. Please note that you should not attempt the table pose if you have wrist and/or knee problems. Also note that you should not attempt the frog pose if you have recent or chronic problems with your knees, hips or legs.
- Begin with some warm up exercises. It is always a good idea to begin your yoga session with some stretching. This will loosen up your muscles and prepare your body for the exercise that it is about to do. There are a number of positions to do as a warm up. Given that you are planning to do the frog pose, it is best to stretch your hips, groin and thighs. The 'reclining butterfly' pose is ideal for stretching these areas.
- Begin by exhaling and lowering your back torso to the floor, leaning on your hands as you lower yourself.
- When you have reached the floor and are leaning on your forearms, use your hands to spread your pelvis. Use a blanket to support your head if necessary.
- With your hands on the top of your thighs, rotate your thighs externally and press your thighs away from your torso. Move your hands up your thighs and widen your knees away from your hips. Then push your hip points together. Finally rest your hands on the floor at a 45 degree angle away from your body.
- To start this pose should be done for one minute. It can be gradually extended to five or ten minutes.
- Get into position. To do the frog pose in yoga, you will first need to be in the table pose. This is a basic yoga pose that many floor based yoga positions begin from. The pose itself has its benefits, as it helps to lengthen and realign your spine.
- Begin by going to the floor on your hands and knees. Your knees should be a few inches apart and your feet should be directly behind your knees. The palms of your hands should be directly under your shoulders. Your fingers should be pointed forward.
- Point your head downwards and focus on a point between your hands. Your back should be flat. Push your palms into the floor as you drop your shoulders away from your ears. Push your tailbone towards the back wall and the top of your head towards the front wall. This will lengthen and stretch the spine.
- Take deep breaths, and hold the position for 1-3 breaths.
Part 2 of 2: Performing the Frog Pose
- Begin in the Do-the-Table-Pose-in-Yoga. Gradually move your knees outwards to the side. After you have moved your knees outwards, align your ankles and feet with your knees so they are in a straight line.
- As you move your knees out to the side you should remain comfortable. Do not push it!
- Move your elbows and forearms to the floor. As you slide downwards, keep your palms flat against the floor. Next, exhale slowly and push your hips backwards. Keep pushing your hips backwards until you feel a stretching in your hips and inner thighs. Once you feel the stretching, breath and hold this position for 3-6 breaths.
- Return to the Do-the-Table-Pose-in-Yoga. Begin by bringing your hips forward in a rocking motion. Push up on your palms and forearms to bring yourself into the table pose again.
- Alternatively, you can leave your hips as they were and push your palms forward so that your entire torso is against the ground.
Things You'll Need
- Yoga Mat
- Blanket or pillow (optional)
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