Do the Search Card Trick
Card tricks are always fun to do. When they are done correctly, they can amaze and make others wonder "how was that done?". Practice this one until it feels like second nature and you'll be impressing others in no time.
- Ask for a volunteer to work on the trick with you. Have this person shuffle and fan through the deck, to show that this is just an ordinary deck of cards that has not been tampered with. Have the volunteer return the deck to you.
- Fan the cards on top of the table, and ask your volunteer to pick one card, memorize it, and not show it to you.
- Split the deck in half. Hold one half in each hand but make sure that the pile in your right hand is face up. Memorize the card on top of the face-up pile.
- Ask the volunteer to place the card that he or she chose face down on top of the face-down pile. (This is the pile in your left hand.)
- Have the volunteer place the two halves together.
- Tell the volunteer you will search for his or her card. (Now remember that card you memorized earlier? This is where that comes in.)
- Start to fan through the deck, looking for that card. When you find it, the card that the volunteer picked will be to the right of the card that you memorized.
- Pick out the volunteer's card, and show it to him or her.
- Another way to do this trick is to inconspicuously memorize the bottom card of the deck, and have them put it on top and cut the deck, instead of splitting the deck in half in your hand.
- You can flip past the volunteer's card, bet him or her that the next card you will flip is the card he or she chose. Make it look like you will flip the next card, then flip the volunteer's card face down.
- Another modification is to flip through the deck one card at a time. When you see the card you memorized, bet the volunteer that it's the next card.
- Keep the volunteer distracted while you check the card on the right side if the split deck.
- You can ask the volunteer to split the deck, to make it look like he/she controls the outcome of the trick. You can then distract the audience as you look at the card.
- Make sure you practice these tricks until you have perfected them, or else they might not work out correctly.
- As you flip through the cards searching for the one card, talk a lot, so that the audience is distracted, and will not be watching your hands too carefully.
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