Drain Blood Under a Nail

Is your Nail bleeding? Follow these steps to remove the blood or to drain the blood.


  1. Straighten a paper clip. Then heat tip of the clip until the tip is red.
  2. Place the tip of the paper clip over the area of blood and let it melt through the nail. Do not push. While doing this shall not hurt your nail. Go slowly and reheat the clip as needed. If you have a thick nail you may have to do this for a few times.
  3. As soon as there is a hole on your nail, blood will drain out and the pain will go away. If the pain does not go away, you may have a more serious injury or deep cut.
  4. Wet your finger or toe twice a day for 10 minutes in warm soapy water. Apply antibiotic ointment and a bandage.
  5. If pressure builds up again in a few days, repeat the process. You do not have to burn a paper clip and melt a hole when you repeat this.


  • When you heat a paper clip be careful not to burn yourself.

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