Draw Realistic Hair
You just might be wondering "I've mastered realistic bodies, but gosh! How do I do hair?" These simple steps with help you make your creations have realistic hair!
- After you draw a simple head and shoulders think about what type of hair style you want your creation to have then think about the texture and thickness of the person's hair.
- Start with where the hair separates (often called the part) in the hair if you are drawing a person with loose hair, the hairline if the person has their hair pulled or sleeked back.
- Draw loose, don't stiffen up, the hair will look stiff, let your hand flow.
- Don't draw thick lines unless you want the hair to look clumped together, draw thin lines, but don't try to draw every strand of hair. You won't succeed.
- Touch up stray lines as you would with your own hair. Darken the hair and add highlights for a realistic touch.
- Add detail, hats, barrettes, ribbons, color
- Make sure to relax and take your time so you don't mess up.
- You don't want to use a dull pencil, or a super sharp one.
- Don't make the hair identical on both sides as it will look too staged. Instead, make it slightly uneven. It should only be barely noticeable, not tilted!
- Do one section at a time, making fine and dull lines, but make sure to leave a space between your hair lines to give it that hair shine.
- Don't scribble! Take your time.
- Use high-quality erasers to prevent smudges.
- Put a clean piece of paper under your hand so you don't mess up the drawing
- If you want to see if the face lines up, turn it upside down.
- Once you look at the picture don't look back, let your creativity flow.
- Always sharpen your pencil before drawing for fine and accurate lines.
- Keep your work neat and clean for a clearer drawing.