Draw Realistic Hair

You just might be wondering "I've mastered realistic bodies, but gosh! How do I do hair?" These simple steps with help you make your creations have realistic hair!


  1. After you draw a simple head and shoulders think about what type of hair style you want your creation to have then think about the texture and thickness of the person's hair.
  2. Start with where the hair separates (often called the part) in the hair if you are drawing a person with loose hair, the hairline if the person has their hair pulled or sleeked back.
  3. Draw loose, don't stiffen up, the hair will look stiff, let your hand flow.
  4. Don't draw thick lines unless you want the hair to look clumped together, draw thin lines, but don't try to draw every strand of hair. You won't succeed.
  5. Touch up stray lines as you would with your own hair. Darken the hair and add highlights for a realistic touch.
  6. Add detail, hats, barrettes, ribbons, color


  • Make sure to relax and take your time so you don't mess up.
  • You don't want to use a dull pencil, or a super sharp one.
  • Don't make the hair identical on both sides as it will look too staged. Instead, make it slightly uneven. It should only be barely noticeable, not tilted!
  • Do one section at a time, making fine and dull lines, but make sure to leave a space between your hair lines to give it that hair shine.
  • Don't scribble! Take your time.
  • Use high-quality erasers to prevent smudges.
  • Put a clean piece of paper under your hand so you don't mess up the drawing
  • If you want to see if the face lines up, turn it upside down.
  • Once you look at the picture don't look back, let your creativity flow.
  • Always sharpen your pencil before drawing for fine and accurate lines.


  • Keep your work neat and clean for a clearer drawing.

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