Draw a Human Skeleton

The human skeleton provides the structure of the human body. Learn how to draw a simplified human skeleton by following this step-by-step tutorial.


A Basic Skeleton

  1. Sketch a wireframe for the human figure as a guide.
  2. Sketch the basic structure of the skeleton using pipes and circles as reference shapes. for the limbs and an egg shape for the ribs/chest section.
  3. Sketch the details using photographs and pictures of the human skeleton as reference. 
  4. Refine the artwork to prepare for outlining.
  5. Draw the outline over the sketch.
  6. Erase and Remove the sketch marks.
  7. Color the drawing.

A Skeleton in a Pose

  1. Sketch the pose using the wireframe as a guide.
  2. Sketch the basic structure of the skeleton using pipes and circles as reference shapes. for the limbs and an egg shape for the ribs/chest section.
  3. Sketch the details using photographs and pictures of the human skeleton as reference.
  4. Refine the artwork to prepare for outlining.
  5. Draw the outline over the sketch.
  6. Erase and Remove the sketch marks.
  7. Color the drawing.

A Sketch-Style Skeleton

  1. Start by drawing the skull and the neck on the skeleton. Draw the skull by drawing two circles for the eye socket and an upside down heart for the nose.
  2. Next is to draw the clavicle (shoulder bone), rib cage and lumbar vertebrae of the skeleton.
  3. Draw the left and right hands of the skeleton (the Humerus, Ulna, Radius, Carpals, Metacarpals and Phalanges).
  4. Add the pelvic bone of the skeleton.
  5. Now draw the legs. Draw first the Femur (the thigh bone) and then the Patella (the knee bone), Tibia and Fibula.
  6. Finally draw the Tarsals, Metatarsals and Phalanges (the bones that make up the feet).
  7. Outline your drawing with ink or paint. You can use a maker or a paint brush, it doesn't matter. Erase your penciled drawing to clean up your artwork.
  8. Color your artwork and you’re done. You can use any colors you want. But if you'd like your skeleton to look more realistic, you should use white or pale yellow.


  • Try to not perfect the lines on your drawing since it is also the beauty of our human skeletal system to look rugged and uneven.

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