Draw an Anime Body
Anime are Japanese animated productions. This tutorial will show you how to draw an Anime body, both male and female.
- Draw a stick figure. A circle for the head, small circles for the location of the joints and small triangles for the hands and feet. These shapes are connected using lines to make a framework for the body.
- Draw the head and torso. Add feminine details like the breasts and remember to make the waistline look slender and the hips slightly wide.
- Draw the limbs.
- Sketch a few more details like the hair and clothing.
- Color the drawing.
- Draw a stick figure. A circle for the head, small circles for the location of the joints and small triangles for the hands and feet. These shapes are connected using lines to make a framework for the body.
- Draw the head and torso. Make the man’s trunk broader as compared to a female's slender waistline.
- Draw the limbs, make them look bulkier with muscles.
- Sketch a few more details like the hair and clothing. Make sure that the clothing is close to the skin.
- Color the drawing.
Female Body
- Sketch a circle for the head.
- Sketch the shape of the face and the main frame of the body. Draw a curved rectangle for the upper body. Draw a pantie-like shape for the hips.
- Add the guidelines chest by drawing 2 circles.
- Add the shape of the girl such as the arms, neck and body shape.
- Draw the basic features of the body.
- Add more details and clothes. Erase the draft lines.
- Color.
Male Body
- Sketch a circle and the face for the head.
- Sketch the a big rectangle below the head. Allot a reasonable space for the neck between the head and the rectangle. Divide the rectangle into 4. The first upper segment must be 1/5 of the other segment.
- Add the guidelines for the body shape. Draw a vertical line and in the third and fourth segment of the rectangle, draw the curve of the body.
- Draw the neck as 3 vertical lines.
- Add 2 slanted lines to connect the middle of the neck to the edge of the rectangle.
- Draw the basic outline of the body.
- Erase the draft lines and add more details.
- Color the body as you like.
Alternate Male Body
- Sketch a circle for the head.
- Sketch the face.
- Sketch the a big curved rectangle below the head and a circle of the same diameter. Allot a reasonable space for the neck between the head and the rectangle.
- Add the guidelines for the extremities using lines and circles.
- Draw the neck and the hip detail.
- Sketch the basic guidelines for the legs and arms using circles and oblongs. Use circles for the palm and the joints.
- Add the basic lines for the fingers.
- Draw the basic outline of the body.
- Erase the draft lines and add more details. You can add the clothes but be sure to follow the figure of the body.
- If clothes is added, erase the body lines it covers.
- Color.
Things You'll Need
- Paper
- Pencil
- Pencil sharpener
- Eraser gum
- Colored pencils, crayons, markers or watercolors