Drink Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a fermented liquid made from apples. It is high in acetic acid, which has been shown to improve some health conditions. This article will show you various ways in which to drink apple cider vinegar.
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- Drink it for weight loss. Add it to grapefruit juice or a salad. Consider using it as a dip for vegetables or bread.
- Use it to prevent diabetes. Drink a large glass of water with 2 tablespoons (30 milliliters) of apple cider vinegar.
- Drink it for your heart's health. Add it to a salad, water, tea or juice.
Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss
- Purchase raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar. The filtered, pasteurized vinegar on supermarket shelves do not have the same properties as unfiltered vinegar.
- Bragg’s organic apple cider vinegar is one of the best brands of apple cider vinegar.
- Unfiltered vinegar contains sediment which is referred to as “the mother,” a leftover bacteria from the fermentation process, similar to sediment in kombucha.
- Drink a tonic of fruit juice and apple cider vinegar before each meal. Pour 1 cup (237ml) of grapefruit juice and 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar into a glass. Mix well.
- Replace grapefruit juice with another juice of your choice. Avoid juice cocktails, which are mostly sugar, and choose juices that are high in Vitamin C, for added health benefits.
- Apple cider vinegar has a strong taste, so stick with a juice that disguises it well.
- The acetic acid in the vinegar may help stimulate fat-burning proteins.
- Drinking low calorie liquid and water before meals may help you to consume less.
- Make a salad dressing with apple cider vinegar. Use 2 tbsp. (30ml) of apple cider vinegar in your dressing.
- For added benefit, avoid using oil in the dressing.
- Mix the vinegar with parsley, lemon juice and a clove of garlic in a food processor
- Eating low-calorie dressing and fresh produce regularly, as part of a healthy diet, will lower your glycemic index and help with weight loss.
- Eat a snack with apple cider vinegar to curb cravings.
- A 2005 study reported people who ate vinegar along with bread staved off hunger longer than those who ingested bread alone.
Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar for Diabetes Prevention
- Mix 2 tbsp. (30ml) of unfiltered apple cider vinegar into a large glass of water 1 hour before bedtime.
- Drink it nightly to reduce your glucose levels by 4 to 6 percent overnight.
- Although some studies have shown that apple cider vinegar might be good for people who currently have Type II Diabetes, it can also affect insulin medication.
- Talk to your doctor before taking it, if you are taking diabetes medication.
- Drink it before a meal to reduce insulin and glucose spikes.
- Try a mixture of 2 tbsp. (30ml) of apple cider vinegar, 6 oz. (177ml) of water, 2 oz. (59ml) of pure cranberry juice and a splash of lime juice.
- People who had pre-diabetes seemed to benefit the most from the apple cider vinegar. Some results said it cut their blood glucose by half.
Drinking Apple Cider for Heart Health
- Replace regular salad dressing with an oil and vinegar dressing. Replace other types of vinegar with apple cider vinegar.
- People who use oil and vinegar salad dressings have a lower risk of heart disease.
- Contributing factors include healthy diet and use of “healthy” fats in place of saturated fats.
- Drink apple cider vinegar with water, tea or juice to potentially reduce high blood pressure, a contributing factor in heart disease.
- Studies have shown that rats responded positively to the acetic acid.
- It is also a great product for non-toxic cleaning for the home and fresh produce.
- Consider using apple cider vinegar for its other healing properties. Applying it to the skin may help with some fungus-based skin problems or to help treat acne.
- Sweeten an apple cider vinegar tonic with 1 tsp. (5ml) of honey or 5 drops of stevia liquid.
- Never drink apple cider vinegar straight. The strong acid content can be hard on the esophagus and it has an unpleasant taste.
- Do not use apple cider vinegar as a potassium supplement. It may lower potassium levels. People with arthritis or osteoporosis should not use apple cider vinegar.
- Do not drink apple cider vinegar if you have acid reflux disease, frequent heartburn or peptic ulcers.
Things You'll Need
- Unfiltered apple cider vinegar
- Measuring spoons
- Grapefruit juice
- Cranberry juice
- Water
- Honey/stevia drops
- Oil, garlic, parsley and lemon (for salad dressing)
- Apple Juice
Sources and Citations
- http://gerson.org/gerpress/8-amazing-uses-for-apple-cider-vinegar/
- http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/swimsuit-slimdown-plan
- http://www.webmd.com/diet/apple-cider-vinegar?page=2
- http://www.webmd.com/diet/apple-cider-vinegar?page=2
- http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/06/02/apple-cider-vinegar-hype.aspx
- http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/06/02/apple-cider-vinegar-hype.aspx