Soothe Irritated Eyes with Potato Slices

Allergy season can be brutal on the eyes. If your eyes ere burning,itchy and irritated there is an old homemade remedy that just might help you. Apply raw potatoes to relieve puffy or red eyes(for crying).


  1. Wash potato and cut two thin slices.
  2. Find a comfortable seat,close your eyes and place one slice on each eyelid.
  3. Leave the potato slices on your eye lids for about 10 minutes and relax.
  4. Keep your eyes closed until you remove the potato slices.
  5. Wash eyes with cool water and pat dry with a clean towel.


  • Try using a potato that's been in the refrigerator the coolness of the potato will feel great.
  • Your eyes may begin to tear,keep them closed until the tearing stops.
  • If your symptoms do not improve, consult your doctor.
  • This is an alternative medicine, and may not work for everyone; always consult with your doctor.

Things You'll Need

  • A raw potato

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