Drink Whiskey
Whiskey is an alcoholic beverage that is distilled from fermented grain mash. The liquor is then aged in wooden casks until it is sold. The time spent in casks and the grains used affect the flavor of a good whiskey, which is often enjoyed like a glass of fine wine. No matter how you like it, educating yourself can help you enjoy your whiskey to the fullest.
Appreciating Straight Whiskey
- Pour "two fingers" of whiskey into a rocks or tulip glass. Rocks glasses, the classic whiskey cup, are short, round glasses made for 12-14oz or liquid. Tulip glasses are curved wide at the bottom and thinner up top, concentrating the smells near your nose, and are used for more high-class whiskey tastings. While any glass will do, these are the two typical glasses used to serve whiskey.
- Two fingers means that you pour the whiskey up to the height of two fingers held at the bottom of the glass.
- Use the color of the whiskey to gauge its age. Whiskey gets its color from contact with the wooden cask it is aged in. In general, the darker the color, the older the whiskey. Purplish tints can mean the whiskey was aged in sherry or port barrels, giving it a slightly fruitier taste.
- Some older whiskeys are aged in bourbon barrels that have been used 2-3 times already, and thus stay light colored despite their aging. This is much more common in bourbons.
- Some younger, cheaper whiskeys, like Jack Daniels, have caramel coloring added to them to give them the appearance of "classic" whiskeys. This is why even cheap whiskey can look dark.
- Lift the glass to your nose for a smell. Don't jam your nostrils in, as the scent of alcohol will be so overpowering that you won't notice any of the flavors. Instead, bring the glass to your nose slowly until you can smell it well. What do you notice? What sorts of flavors are present? Smell is often the best indicator of a whiskey's flavor, and many master blenders use their noses more than their tongues when making whiskey.
- Vanilla, caramel, and toffee are the classic "whiskey flavors," and are a byproduct of the aging process in wooden casks.
- Floral and citrus flavors are becoming more and more common in whiskeys, especially blends.
- Maple flavors are common in many American whiskeys, particularly in Tennessee Whiskey like Jack Daniels.
- Smokiness is common in Scotch whiskey, particularly from the region of Islay. The smokiness comes from the peat fires used to dry the whiskey out.
Some common smells include:
- Place a few drops of clean water into your whiskey. This drop of water not only dilutes the whiskey slightly, making the flavor a bit more manageable to novice drinkers, it also opens up the flavors and makes them more noticeable. Whenever possible, use distilled or bottled water to preserve the flavor of the whiskey.This is because high-alcohol whiskeys can feel like they burn your tongue, preventing you from enjoying many of the flavors.
- If you choose to skip the water, you're ordering the whiskey "neat," which means without water or ice.
- The amount of water you add is up to you, but try 1 "cap-full" to start. Add more as necessary. Many people like to take one sip without water first in order to compare the flavors, then add a few drops to enjoy the rest of the glass.
- Taste the whiskey and compare it to its smell. Take a sip of the whiskey and let it coat your tongue, lingering on your palate before swallowing. Don't chug it or down it like a shot. A medium-sized sip, enjoyed slowly, is the best way to drink whiskey. There is a variety of questions to ask yourself after tasting, but the first and most important is simply, "Did you enjoy it?" Other considerations include:
- "Was it thick or thin on your palette?"
- "Did the flavors change or evolve at all as it was in your mouth and swallowed?"
- "Did the taste subside quickly or linger in your mouth?"
- Keep any added ice to a minimum. Whiskey becomes a bit dull when it chills, so serious whiskey drinkers usually skip the ice or add no more than 1 cube. Ice not only chills the drink, it usually adds more water than you want as it melts, diluting the drink too much and making it watery.
Making Whiskey Drinks
- Have a whiskey with 3-4 cubes of ice, or "on the rocks." When you are ready for some straight whiskey, try it over ice. Fill a glass with ice and pour the whiskey into the glass. Taste it chilled. Whiskey flavors may taste different to you when you consume it chilled instead of at room temperature, and most people find whiskey easier to drink when it is chilled, though not necessarily better tasting.
- Most whiskey drinkers only drink blends, not single-malts, on the rocks, as the ice can ruin the strong, distinctive flavor of a single malt.
- Try a classic Old Fashioned. This is the granddaddy of whiskey cocktails. Depending on your tastes, you can use a variety of whiskeys for the drink, from sweeter bourbons (the traditional choice) to more subtle and spicy rye whiskeys. To make an Old Fashioned, stir the following over ice:
- 2 ounces whiskey
- ½ ounce simple syrup or 1 sugar cube
- 2 dashes bitters
- 1 inch of orange peel or one small orange wedge
- 1 candied cherry, optional
- Ice for mixing and for serving
- Mix up a cool Mint Julep. The classic Kentucky cocktail is made with sweet bourbon and a lot of it. The better the bourbon, the better the drink. You should always use fresh mint, and you should muddle it (lightly smash it with the sugar cube) at the bottom of the glass before adding the bourbon. To make one, simply mix 2 ounces bourbon with a sugar cube and a handful of crushed ice along with the muddled mint.
- Give a Manhattan a try. Manhattans are a little sweet for some people, but others swear by the sweet/sour combo. Like the Old Fashioned, you can adjust the whiskey you use for a better cocktail -- rye for something stronger, bourbon for something sweeter. To make a Manhattan, shake the following with ice in a mixer.
- 2 ounces whiskey
- 1 ounces sweet vermouth
- 1 to 2 dashes bitters, such as Angostura
- Small length of orange peel.
- Technically, using Scotch whisky for this is a Rob Roy, which is a bit sweeter. Bourbon can be used, but it will likely lead to an overly sweet drink for some people.
- Try out a whiskey sour. This simple, easy drink doesn't call for much, but adds a nice sour punch to your drink that goes down easily. To make one, simply shake the following together in a mixer with plenty of ice:
- 2 ounces whiskey
- 1-ounce fresh-squeezed lemon juice or a packet of sours
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- A Boston Sour adds in 1 egg white as well for a frothy, more substantial drink.
- Warm up with a classic Hot Toddy. A Hot Toddy is basically brewing tea with whiskey instead of tea leaves and is a fantastic drink on a cold and rainy day. Typically it is made with Irish whiskey. To make a Hot Toddy, pour your whiskey into a glass, then heat up the following ingredients and pour over the whiskey once it is simmering.
- 2 ounces water
- 3 cloves
- Cinnamon stick
- ½ inch piece ginger, peeled and sliced (optional)
- 1 strip lemon peel
- 2 ounces whiskey
- 2 teaspoons honey (adjustable to your sweetness preferences)
- 1 to 2 teaspoons lemon juice
- Dash of Nutmeg
Buying Whiskey
- Compare the different types of whiskey. Chemically, whiskey is fermented grain alcohol that has been aged in wooden barrels. The grains are mashed and strained, and the type of aging, grain, and additives determines the flavor and type of whiskey. When shopping, there are a few different variations of whiskey that you can purchase:
- Bourbon is a sweater whiskey distilled in the United States. They are often mellow and drinkable, especially in comparison to traditional whiskeys. It is similar to its cousin "Tennessee Whiskey," which is slightly sweeter.
- Rye Whiskey is typically made with at least 51% rye in the grain mixture. This leads to a spicy, somewhat bread-like flavor overall. In Canada, rye whiskeys can have any percentage of rye.
- Scotch is a single-malt (one distillery only) whisky with strong flavors. They often have a note of smokiness as well.
- Depending on the country of origin you spell the drink one of two ways. Scottish and Canadian blends have no "e," whereas American and Irish blends end in an "-ey.
- Understand the difference between blends and single malts. There is a lot of jargon around whiskey, but the most important one to understand is whether or not your whiskey is a blend or a malt. Neither is inherently better than the other, the difference is just in the distilling methods.
- Blended Whiskeys, which make up 80% of the market, are mixtures of grains and malts from different distilleries. They are usually smoother and easier to drink.
- Single Malt Whiskys, are made from malted barely at one distillery. They are often stronger flavored than blends, and often go by "malt" or "Scotch whisky" as well.
- Single Cask means that a single malt whiskey was mixed and aged in one barrel. It is usually the rarest and most expensive whiskey."
- Familiarize yourself with the typical labeling phrases. One of the most intimidating things about whiskey is that every bottle seems to boast a new distilling technique. Determining which styles you like, and what those styles do, can be head-spinning if you don't know the vocabulary:
- (Not) Chill Filtered. When whiskey gets cold, it can get cloudy or murky, which many people find unappealing. To combat this, some distillers chill the whiskey and then remove all the cloudy particles that form. However, this can severely impact the taste of a good whiskey.
- Barrel Proof/Natural Cask Strength. Most whiskey is watered down after it comes out of the barrel to make it more palpitate. However, some brands are releasing whiskey exactly how it comes out of the barrel, making it very strong and alcoholic.
- Age: Age is generally an indicator of quality, and more expensive whiskeys are usually aged for longer. If the whiskey is a blend, the age must be the age of the youngest whiskey involved. Aging only refers to the time spent in a barrel, not in the bottle or on the shelf.
- Finishing: When a whiskey is placed in a certain barrel for a short period of time to gain flavor. Some whiskeys spend time in rum barrels, or wine barrels, to give them a distinctive taste. This is an easy way to quickly make a "new" whiskey for a manufacturer.
- Think about pairing foods with your whiskey. Light, sweet whiskeys such as Dalwhinnie or Glenkinchie brands work well with sushi and salmon, as well as goat cheeses and cream cheeses. Medium-bodied whiskeys such as Bruichladdich taste great with smoked fish or duck and venison. Full-bodied whiskeys like The Macallan pair well with seared or grilled steak and pork, as well as dessert items such as chocolate and gingerbread.
- For the best whiskey, look for a single malt variety that has been aged for at least 15 years.
- Never order "scotch" in Scotland, and never order whiskey on the rocks in any serious bar or whiskey-drinking environment-- it is considered rude and "ruins" the drink.
- As always, don't drink and drive, and know your limit.
Things You'll Need
- Cocktail glass
- Sour mix
- Vermouth
- Amaretto
- Water
- Ice
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Sources and Citations
- ↑ http://www.artofmanliness.com/2014/05/01/how-to-drink-whiskey/
- ↑ http://whiskyadvocate.com/whisky-101/appreciating-whisky/
- http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/20150511-why-you-should-never-drink-whisky-on-the-rocks
- http://www.whiskyforeveryone.com/whisky_basics/adding_water_or_ice.html
- http://www.realmendrinkwhiskey.com/whiskey-for-beginners/
- http://www.cheatsheet.com/life/6-whiskey-drinks-every-millennial-should-know.html/?a=viewall
- http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2013/jan/02/how-to-make-the-perfect-hot-toddy
- http://www.whiskydistilled.com/whisky-basics/how-to-drink-whisky/
- http://www.portlandmercury.com/portland/how-to-drink-whiskey-the-correct-way/Content?oid=2106318
- http://www.thekitchn.com/thekitchn/tips-techniques/straight-up-no-ice-4-steps-to-drinking-whiskey-neat-147488
- http://www.matchingfoodandwine.com/articles/20080123
- http://www.whiskeywise.com/Whiskey-cocktails.html