Eat Caviar

Caviar was once a specialty food enjoyed only by royalty and the wealthy elite, but today, caviar has become readily available to the public. In spite of it's availability, its unique flavor can make eating caviar for the first time a challenge. Learn how to eat caviar and enjoy this fine delicacy.


  1. Know what you're eating.
    • Learn what caviar is so that eating caviar will be less daunting. Caviar is the eggs of a female fish, traditionally coming from sturgeon. Today, more affordable caviar is made from salmon and the American paddlefish.
  2. Keep it cold.
    • Caviar should be served chilled and never at room temperature. Eat caviar after it's been thoroughly chilled and serve it cold or even in a dish of ice to keep its temperature down.
  3. Use the right utensils.
    • Caviar should never be served on steel or stainless steel plates or forks, as this can change the taste of the caviar and make it bitter or metallic. Eat and serve caviar with utensils of ceramic, glass or plastic to preserve the taste.
  4. Try several kinds.
    • Caviar comes in many varieties and each of them tastes slightly different. Try different types of caviar to find one that suits your personal palate. Don't be discouraged if the first kind you try doesn't taste good.
  5. Take small bites.
    • Caviar should be served and consumed in amounts smaller than a tablespoon. It is traditional etiquette to eat caviar in small bites, and if you're just learning to eat it, small bites will help you experience the flavor more completely without becoming overwhelmed by the flavor or texture.
  6. Eat it with crackers.
    • Caviar is often served on unsalted crackers or bread, or on small traditional Russian pancakes called blini. Eating caviar with these accompaniments will enhance the flavor.
  7. Garnish it.
    • Eat caviar with some of the traditional garnishes, which include fresh herbs like parsley or dill, sour cream, chopped onions, chopped hard boiled egg. Trying these garnishes will improve your caviar-eating experience.
  8. Consume or serve the entire container.
    • Caviar is sold in small containers and meant to be consumed in one serving. Eat or serve a container of caviar and don't save any that is left over. Saving opened caviar will change its taste and will cause it to spoil quickly.
  9. Use it as an appetizer.
    • Caviar is meant to be consumed as an appetizer or garnish accompaniment to a larger meal, not the main course. Keep this in mind when eating or serving caviar, because making a whole meal out of it would be expensive and would probably negatively affect your tasting experience.
  10. Finished.

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