Serve Caviar

Caviar has been a favorite food of Middle Eastern and Eastern European royalty since the Middle Ages. Due to over-fishing of sturgeon, the fish from which the roe is taken and served as caviar, prices rose sharply at the beginning of the 20th century. Nowadays, lovers of fine cuisine enjoy the expensive delicacy at special occasions. Knowing how to serve caviar will allow you to preserve its delightful taste for all your guests to enjoy.


  1. Place the appropriate number of appetizer plates in the refrigerator 1 hour before serving the caviar. This will ensure the plates are thoroughly chilled by serving time.
  2. Take the caviar out of the refrigerator about 15 minutes before serving. Let the unopened container sit to adjust to room temperature.
  3. Assemble a serving platter with small pieces of buttered toast or blinis, as well as a bowl of crème fraiche. Traditionally, these are the best accompaniments for caviar.
    • If you serve toast, make it yourself by lightly toasting fresh bread. This ensures that the toast doesn't become too crisp.
  4. Fill a traditional caviar server, made either of silver or crystal, with crushed ice.
    • Alternatively, if you do not have a traditional caviar server, you can fill a decorative glass bowl with crushed ice.
  5. Prepare the caviar. Open the container of caviar and place on the crushed ice, so it is surrounded by ice on all sides to keep it evenly chilled.
  6. Place a mother-of-pearl spoon in the caviar for guests to serve themselves.
    • Though some people see no harm in the use of metal utensils, connoisseurs claim that metal taints the flavor of the caviar and frown upon it. Ensure success with your guests by adhering to the tradition of mother-of-pearl spoons.
  7. Remove the chilled appetizer plates from the refrigerator.
  8. Set out the caviar, the buttered toast or blinis and the crème fraiche, along with the chilled appetizer plates.
  9. Allow guests to serve themselves.
  10. Cover any leftover caviar in the container with plastic wrap after dining. Make sure the oil is evenly distributed before storing it in the coolest part of your refrigerator.


  • Always be careful not to crush any of the eggs as you spoon the caviar out of the tin, as this will release oils too soon and spoil the taste experience.
  • Serve caviar with ice-cold shots of vodka or flutes of champagne to complement its flavor.
  • Each serving size of caviar should be approximately 2 oz. per person.


  • Never swallow the caviar eggs whole without bursting them inside your mouth, as you will not experience the flavor.
  • Never freeze caviar, as the low temperature might make the roe burst.

Things You'll Need

  • Appetizer plates
  • Caviar
  • Serving platter
  • Buttered toast
  • Blinis
  • Bowl
  • crème fraiche
  • Caviar server
  • Crushed ice
  • Mother-of-pearl spoon

Sources and Citations

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