Emphasize Your Eye Color with Your Clothing

If you love your natural eye color, there are plenty of ways to use color to bring it out. However, different colors bring out your eyes better depending on the time of day. Choose different colors for daytime events than you would for nighttime events. If you strongly dislike a color that works well with your eyes, consider using accessories to bring out your eye color.


Choosing a Day Time Wardrobe

  1. Pick neutrals during the day for blue eyes. Blue eyes can match well with a variety of shades, but classic neutral shades go great with blue during the day.[1] Neutrals include colors like navy, olive, gold, silver, cream, and camel.[2]
    • Neutrals tend to go with anything. If you don't want a look that's completely lacking in color, you can use neutrals to bring out your eyes while still having some bright colors in your outfit. For example, if you want to wear a pink top, wear it with olive green jeans.
  2. Choose coral colors for the day with green eyes. Corals tend to bring out green eyes during the day. Corals contrast with green just slightly to make your eyes really pop. Look for coral wardrobe items to highlight green eyes during the day.[1]
    • For example, look for coral dresses, undershirts, blazers, or pants to bring out your green eyes during the day.
  3. Pick lavender for hazel eyes. While hazel eyes do tend to pair well with darker colors, during the day you should go lighter. Lavender can really bring out your hazel eyes for daytime wear.[1]
    • If lavender is too soft or feminine for your tastes, you can incorporate it in small ways. For example, wear a lavender undershirt with a suit.
  4. Wear deep blues to bring out brown eyes. Deep blues work great at bringing out brown eyes during the day. For daytime events, look for your best deep blue wardrobe items.[3]
    • For a more casual event, blue jeans can actually be a great way to bring out your brown eyes.
    • For a more formal event, go for a dark blue button shirt, suit jacket, blazer, dress, or dress pants.

Selecting Evening Wear

  1. Try charcoal shades for hazel eyes. It's usually best to go darker at night for hazel eyes. Look for charcoal outfits. A charcoal suit or suit jacket, for example, could pair well with hazel eyes, as well as an attractive charcoal dress.[1]
  2. Wear moss green at night for green eyes. Green eyes will look great at night if you opt for moss green shades. They will match somewhat with your natural eye color, emphasizing it to others at night.[1]
    • Moss green is a popular color for jackets, blazers, and cardigans. Try throwing one of these garments over your clothes to bring out your green eyes.
  3. Opt for soft pinks at night for brown eyes. If you have brown eyes, a soft pink shade can make them pop at night. Opt for a pink outfit or one that has shades of pink in it. For example, you could wear a suit jacket with a pink undershirt or a dress with soft pink stripes.[4]
    • Remember to go for softer, muted shades of pink over brighter shades. Hot pink may not emphasize your eyes as well.
  4. Pick fuchsia or bright pink at night for blue eyes. If you have blue eyes, they can pair well with fuchsia or brighter pink shades at night. As many people find fuchsia or pink overwhelming on its own, you can pick something with subtle shades of these colors.[1]
    • For example, you can wear a dress with fuchsia polkadots or a suit with a bright pink undershirt.

Highlighting Your Eyes with Accessories

  1. Pick jewelry that matches your eye color. If you don't like the colors that pair with your eyes, try using your jewelry to bring out your eye color. Matching your jewelry to your eyes can draw attention to their color. Try to wear jewelry that is roughly the same color as your eyes.[5]</li>
    • You do not have to find a perfect match, but something like an emerald necklace can help call attention to green eyes.
    • If you're not a big fan of jewelry, you can try wearing another accessory, such as a watch or cufflinks, that match your eyes.
  2. Match your tie with your eyes. One great way to bring out the color of your eyes is to wear a tie that matches. If you have brown eyes, go for a brown tie, for example. A tie is a nice, subtle way to bring out your eyes without having a certain color overwhelm your outfit.[6]
    • This can be a great option if you prefer more neutral shades, like grays and blacks, but want people to notice your eyes. Instead of opting for a shirt to match your green eyes, you can simply wear a green tie.
    • This can also work if you dislike the types of colors that bring out your eyes. If you're not a fan of fuchsia, for example, instead of wearing that to bring out your blue eyes simply go for a blue tie.
  3. Choose a contrasting shade of eyeliner for hazel or brown eyes. Hazel and brown eyes benefit from eyeliners that contrast with your natural shade. As hazel and brown eyes are darker, contrasting liners will make them look brighter by comparison.[7]
    • For hazel eyes, go for an eggplant liner.
    • For brown eyes, try a cobalt blue liner.
  4. Brighten green and blue eyes with eyeliner. Green and blue eyes often look best when brightened. Opt for lighter shades of eyeliner to make them look brighter, emphasizing the natural color. White and gray eyeliners can make blue and green eyes look bigger and bolder.[7]


  • Don't wear clothing that is the same color as your eyes. It may not highlight or emphasize your eyes and might, instead, swamp them by making the eye color appear washed out.

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