Enjoy Your Holiday Alone

Whether it’s one day off or a week, you don’t need to be surrounded by people to have a great holiday. Being alone can be relaxing and enjoyable. You can use your holiday to do all the things you never have time for in your every day routine.


Creating Time to Relax

  1. Lengthen your mornings. On holiday, you won’t be pressed for time in the morning, so you can take extra steps to make your morning fulfilling and set a good tone for the day.
    • Wake up at your normal time.[1] It can be tempting to sleep in during holidays, but waking up at your normal time provides your body with the much-needed consistency to establish healthy sleep. Instead, allow yourself extra time to get out of bed. Spend a few more minutes scrolling through your phone.
    • Make a hearty breakfast.[2] Cook something you love but normally don’t have time to make, like pancakes or French toast, or try making something new like eggs benedict or a soufflé.
    • If you drink coffee or tea, take the time to sit down and savor it.[3]
    • Instead of breakfast at home, you could also make a special trip to a local restaurant or bakery for something special. Eat it there, or bring it home.
  2. Add a siesta. Napping is a luxury you probably don’t have during a normal work week, and it won’t cost you a dime.[4]
    • Plan out when you want to nap and how long you want to nap. Write it in your planner. This makes napping an activity and something you can look forward to, instead of something that can feel like a waste of precious holiday time.
    • Make it luxurious.[5] Dab some lavender essential oil on your wrists.[6] Put on your favorite pajamas. Pull the curtains, sip some tea, and wear your favorite pajamas and a sleep mask.
  3. Participate in a calming activity. Don’t feel like you have to constantly be participating in activities on your day off. Schedule some time for zen.
    • Simply spend some time meditating, or use a calming activity like coloring as meditation.[7] You can find adult coloring templates online free or in the magazine section at the store.[8]
    • Do simple yoga. Even fifteen minutes can help you feel relaxed and centered. You can look up classes in your area, or try a class online.[9]
    • If you’re not a fan of yoga, going for a walk is another way to relax.[10] Walk around your neighborhood, or go walk on a nearby hiking trail or green way.
  4. Limit technology.[11] If you’re spending your holiday alone, it might be tempting to stay completely plugged in to your social media and email, but taking a break is good for your mental health.
    • Create a specific time in the day and amount of time to use technology during your holiday. This will help you keep your connection in check.
    • Focus on creating time for other things, like reading or drawing.

Treating Yourself to Something Special

  1. Go out and do something.[12]Don’t feel like you have to stay in your house because you’re spending your holiday alone.
    • Go shopping. Even if don’t want to spend a lot of money, take your time perusing stores, and treat yourself to something small that you’ve been wanting. In some areas during statutory holidays (e.g. Christmas and Easter) you may be out of luck as many venues will be closed, so check at least the day before, if not sooner.
    • Go a movie or a play. Going to see a movie or show alone can be a fun experience. Pick something that you really want to see.
    • Take a class. Use your holiday as an opportunity to try something new like swing dances or painting. Check community newspapers for a calendar of classes and events during your holiday. Use sites like Groupon to find discounted classes in your area.[13]
  2. Get a treatment, or create one at home. Take the time out of your holiday to pamper yourself.
    • If you’ve been putting it off, get a new haircut or color. This will make you feel your best.
    • Get a luxury treatment you wouldn’t normally, like a massage or a facial.
    • If you don’t want to pay for a treatment, you can create your own spa day.
  3. Eat your favorite foods. Whether you want to go out to your favorite restaurant or cook at home, splurge a little on food.
    • This could be as simple as stocking up your fridge before your holiday, so you don’t have to worry about going to the grocery store.
    • Get a little fancy. Make a cheese plate, and buy a nice wine just for you.[14] Or, just spend some time plating up your favorite junk foods instead of eating them straight from the bag.
    • Even though you’re on your own, clean up right after you eat to keep your holiday and space relaxing.

Being Productive

  1. Keep a list of tasks you want to accomplish. It could be in an ongoing note on your phone or in a dedicated notebook.
    • Throughout the year, jot down things you’d like to get to but don’t have time for right away.
    • When you have a holiday, consult your list for things to do.
  2. Create a schedule. Though it may seem counterintuitive, creating a schedule for your holiday can help you manage your time so that you get to relax and get a few things done.
    • This schedule could be as simple as a to-do list on a post-it note, or you could write it in your planner or calendar.
  3. Tackle a home project.[15] A holiday can be a great time to get around to that home project you’ve been meaning to do.
    • Your project might be anything from painting a dresser to weeding your garden to organizing a messy closet.
    • Keep it fun. While you work on your project, keep snacks around and listen to great music or watch a favorite TV show.
    • Do some chores. Even if you don’t want to tackle a big project, doing chores like washing the sheets on your bed or cleaning your bathtub can help your space feel fresh.
  4. Read a book. Setting aside long periods of time to read can help you get around to finishing that book you’ve been wanting to read and feel accomplished.[16]
    • Reading can also help you unplug from technology. It’s still a relaxing activity, but you won’t feel like a zombie in front of your computer or television.
  5. Exercise. Exercise has many long-term benefits, and it can release endorphins and promote relaxation afterwards.[17]
    • Set a aside thirty means or an hour to do a cardio workout. Holidays are a great time to exercise because you won’t be rushed or feel like you need to be somewhere else. You’ll feel better after you sweat and can spend the rest of your time off relaxing.


  • Don't overdo it. Holidays are for relaxing and recharging your batteries. You don't want to return to work more tired than when you finished.

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Sources and Citations

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