Exercise for a Flat Stomach

In general, abdominal exercises can help strengthen abdominal muscles, improve posture, and give you a flatter looking stomach. But a flat stomach is more than just strong muscles. It includes a proper diet to ensure you’re maintaining (or reducing) your weight. If you’re starting from a point where you have excess fat around your stomach area, you will need to combine a calorie-reduced healthy diet with abdominal exercises.[1]


Strengthening Your Core

  1. Identify your core. Your “core” includes your abdominal, lower back, and pelvic muscles. Your core is separated from your chest muscles by your diaphragm, which helps you breathe. In addition to protecting many vital organs inside your abdominal cavity, your core muscles are also responsible for helping your move the main portion, or trunk, of your body. They also affect your posture, balance and stability.[2] Your core muscles are extremely important and should always be included as part of a well-rounded exercise routine.[3]
    • The core is one of the widest used sets of muscles in your body and yet, it is one of the muscle groups that many tend to forget to train regularly.
  2. Learn the general requirements for most core exercises. Most core exercises can easily be done without any equipment or weights, and in the comfort of your own home. During each exercise you should try to focus your attention on the deepest abdominal muscle you have, which is called the transversus abdominis. This is the same muscle that tenses when you cough, so you can do some fake coughs to help you locate and focus on it.[4]
    • Perform the exercises on the floor, either on a mat or a carpet.
    • Remember to breathe deeply throughout each exercise — don’t hold your breath.
    • When first starting out, repeat each exercise five times. Once you’ve had some practice, and are ready, increase the repetitions to 10–15.
    • Stop exercising any time you feel in pain or have severe discomfort.
  3. Perform the bridge exercise. Lie on your back, with your knees bent. Keep your arms flat on the floor beside you. Keep yourself in as neutral a position as possible, tighten your abdominal muscles, and lift your hips and bum off the ground. You want to lift your hips until they are completely aligned with your knees and shoulder, then hold yourself in this position as long as you can.[5]
  4. Do abdominal crunches. Lie on your back and place your feet against a wall such that your knees and hips are at 90 degree angles. Focus on your transversus abdominis and tighten all your abdominal muscles. Raise your head and shoulders off the ground while your arms are crossed over your chest. Hold for three deep breaths and relax.[6]
  5. Try single-leg abdominal presses. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Keep your back in a neutral position and tighten your abdominal muscles. Raise your right foot off the ground until your knee is at a 90 degree angle from the floor. Push your hand against your right knee while using your abdominal muscles to push your knee towards your hand. Don’t bend your arm. Hold this for three deep breaths then relax. Do this exercise on both your left and right sides during each set of repetitions.[7]
    • Instead of putting your right hand on the front your of your right knee, put it on the outside of your right knee. Push your right hand against your right knee while pushing your right knee — outwards — towards your right hand.[8]
    • Change this exercise up a bit by using your right hand on your left knee instead. Push your right hand against your left knee, from the inside, while pushing your left knee against your right hand. Hold for three deep breaths and then relax.
  6. Expand to the double-leg abdominal press. Try the double-leg abdominal press once you’re comfortable with the single-leg abdominal press. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Keep your back in a neutral position and tighten your abdominal muscles. Raise both legs off the floor until your knees are at a 90 degree angle. Push both hands against each knee while pushing each knee against your hands. Hold for three deep breaths and relax.[9]
    • An alternative is to place your right hand on the inside of your left knee, and your left hand on the inside of your right knee. Your arms will be crossed in front of you. Push outwards with your hands while pushing inwards with your knees.[10]
    • Yet another alternative is to place your left hand on the outside of your left knee, and your right hand on the outside of your right knee. Push inwards with your hands while pushing outwards with your knees.
  7. Rotate your core. This is actually referred to as a “segmental rotation” and you start by lying on the floor with your knees bent. Keep your back in a neutral position and tighten your abdominal muscles. While keeping your shoulders flat on the ground, let your knees fall slowly to your right. You should be able to lower your knees far enough to feel a stretch, but not to the point of discomfort. Hold for three deep breaths then return to the starting position and rotate to the left side.[11]
  8. Perform the “quadruped. In a way, this exercise is going to look like you’re trying to swim while your on your hands and knees on the ground! Put your hands and knees on the ground — with your hands directly below your shoulders. Keep your back straight and align your head and neck to your back. Raise your right arm off the floor and reach it forward. Hold you arm for three deep breaths then relax. Do the same thing with your left arm. Then raise your right leg off the ground and try to bring it up to align with your back. Hold your leg for three deep breaths then relax. Do the same thing with your left leg.[12]
    • To add an extra layer of fun, do the same exercise but raise your right hand and left leg at the same time. Hold them both for three deep breaths then relax. Repeat with your left hand and right leg.
  9. Try the modified plank exercise. Lie on your stomach, then raise yourself slightly until you’re resting on your forearms and knees. Your elbows should be directly below your shoulders. Your head, neck, and back should be aligned. While in this weird position, tighten your abdominal muscles and “push” your knees and elbows towards each other (without actually moving your elbows or knees). Hold for three deep breaths and relax.[13]
    • An alternative to this exercise that adds an extra challenge is to raise your right arm instead of “pushing” your knees and elbows together. Hold your right arm up for three deep breaths, then relax. Repeat the same exercise with your left arm. You can also try the same thing with your legs instead of your arms.[14]
    • If you’re really looking for a challenge, try this exercise while raising your right arm and your left leg. Hold them both for three deep breaths, then relax. Repeat the same movement with your left arm and right leg.
  10. Attempt the side plank exercise. Don’t be disappointed if you have trouble doing this exercise at the start; it’s not easy. Start by lying on your left side, then slowly raise yourself until you're resting on your left forearm. When you’re in this position your elbow should be directly below your shoulder. Your shoulders, knees, and hips should be in alignment. Your knees should not be bent. Hold this position for three deep breaths, then relax. Repeat the same exercise on your right side.[15]
    • To increase the challenge, lift yourself up until your resting on your left hand, instead of your left forearm. This will raise almost your whole body off the ground, except your feet. Reach your right hand towards the ceiling, with the palm facing forwards. Hold for three deep breaths, then relax. Repeat the same exercise on your right side.
  11. Become Superman. Yes, there is an exercise called the “Superman!” You’ll want to lie on your stomach with a towel or small cushion under your hips. Both arms should be stretched before you, and both legs should be stretched out behind you — like you're Superman! Raise your right arm off the floor and hold for three deep breaths, then relax. Repeat the same thing with your left arm. Then raise your right leg off the ground and hold for three deep breaths. Repeat with your left leg.[16]
    • Feel free to play the Superman theme song in your head while doing this!

Exercising with Equipment

  1. Perform the medicine ball plank. While on your knees, place your hands on the medicine ball (which should be on the ground in front of you). Push yourself up on the medicine ball with your hands, and place your feet slightly apart while balancing on your toes. Hold this position — with your neck, head, and back aligned — for 10 seconds. Try to build yourself up until you can maintain this position for 30 seconds.[17]
  2. Do seated Russian twists. Sit on the ground with your legs and feet in front of you, then lift your feet off the ground until you’re holding them slightly suspended in the air. Hold the medicine ball in your hands and rotate your shoulders in to the right and touch the medicine ball to the ground on your right side. Repeat the movement to your left side.[17] Repeat five times on each side, then relax.
  3. Complete side throws. Stand up straight with your feel hip-width apart. Put your left foot about 1 foot in front of your right foot. Then while holding the medicine ball in both hands, with your arms only slightly bent, swing the ball over your right hip towards the wall. Catch the ball when it bounces back, and repeat the movement at least four more times. Repeat the whole process on your other side.[17]
    • You can also perform this exercise with another person, where they catch the medicine ball and throw it back, rather than have it bounce off a wall.
  4. Try slams with a medicine ball. Stand up straight with your feet beside each other and your knees slightly bent. Hold the medicine ball in both hands, pull it back above and behind your head and then throw it towards the floor with all your might. Imagine you're holding a watermelon or pumpkin and are trying to smash it. Catch the ball when it bounces back and repeat the movement at least 4 more times.[17]
    • For the sake of your neighbours, don’t do this exercise if you live in an apartment that is not on the ground floor!
  5. Squat and reach with an exercise ball. Hold the exercise ball in your hands directly in front of you. While keeping your back straight, bend your knees slightly and reach your arms out straight in front of you. While holding your abdominal muscles tight, rotate from your middle and reach forwards and to the left with the ball. Hold the ball in place for three deep breaths, then relax. Repeat the same motion, but to the right. Repeat four more times on each side.[18]
    • You can change this exercise up a little by holding the ball higher and lower while you’re rotating.
  6. Perform the plank exercise with an exercise ball. Place the exercise ball on the ground, then lie down on top of it with your feet and hands touching the ground. The exercise ball will be under your belly. Walk forwards on your hand, rolling on the ball, until the ball is under your thighs. Keep your arms aligned with your shoulders while you hold yourself up. Hold for as long as you can, then repeat 4 more time.[19]
    • An interesting variation of this exercise requires you to roll slightly forwards once you’re in position so that the ball moves under your shins, instead of your thighs. This will cause your shoulders to actually be in front of your hands, which should be the only things holding you up.[20]
  7. Try a reverse crunch with an exercise ball. Lie on your stomach on an exercise ball, with your hands and feet touching the ground. Walk forward on your hands until the exercise ball is under your thighs. Your shoulders and hands should be aligned. Move your legs so that your knees are on the exercise ball, instead of your thighs. Essentially you’re kneeling on the ball while you’re hands are on the floor. You will be tilted downwards. Tighten your abdominal muscles to bring your knees forwards, towards your chest and hold for three breaths. Repeat 4 more times.[21]
  8. Do abdominal crunches with an exercise ball. Sit on the exercise ball, with your feet flat on the ground in front of you. Your knees should be bent at a 90 degree angle, and your back should be kept straight at all times. Place your arms across your chest and tighten your abdominal muscles. Lean backwards and hold the position for three deep breaths. Repeat at least four more times.[22]
  9. Attempt the bridge exercise on an exercise ball. Lie on a mat, on your back, with your shins on top of an exercise ball. Place your hands, palms down, to your sides. While holding your abdominal muscles tight, raise your hips until your legs, body, and shoulders are a straight line. Hold for three deep breaths and relax. Repeat four more times.[23]
    • To add an extra component to this exercise, raise one of your legs (at a time) while in the lifted position and hold for three deep breaths.
    • If you want an extra challenge, place your heels on the exercise ball, instead of your shins.[24]
  10. Raise an exercise ball using your abdominal muscles. Lay on a mat, on your back, with your legs resting on an exercise ball. Move your legs so they’re about hip-width apart and then squeeze your legs together so they grip the ball between them. While holding your abdominal muscles tight, lift the ball up off the ground and hold for three deep breaths, then relax. Repeat four more times.[25]
    • To increase the challenge of this exercise, rotate your legs to the right (or left) while you’re holding the ball in the air, and hold for three deep breaths. Don’t rotate your legs too far, just enough to feel the pull of your core muscles.
  11. Lift the exercise ball using your legs. Lie on a mat on your right side. Put the exercise ball between your legs. Prop yourself up on your right forearm. While holding your abdominal muscles tight, and keeping the ball between your legs, lift your legs up off the floor. Hold in that position for three deep breaths, then relax. Repeat four more times on your right side, then switch and do the same thing on your left side.[26]

Joining a Class

  1. Enroll in a Pilates class. Pilates is a type of exercise routine that includes increasing your flexibility, strength, and endurance. Pilates focuses almost completely on your core muscles. While there is pilates-related equipment available, it is not required for most of the poses. All you really need is a floor and a mat.[27] Pilates classes are offered in a variety of settings, including through many local gyms, YMCAs, and city-run exercise programs.[28]
    • YouTube is also a good source for Pilates if choosing to work out at home, as many certified fitness instructors teach Pilates in their videos.
  2. Sign up for a yoga class. Yoga is an interesting set of exercises in that it’s designed to help both your body and your mind. While many of the poses help with flexibility, balance and strength, they can also help with your stress levels and blood pressure.[29]
    • You can easily find yoga instructions on the internet through various websites and videos, or even apps that you can download to your tablet and smartphone. However, if you’ve never done yoga before, or it’s been a while, you may want to consider joining a class.
    • Yoga classes can be found at dedicated yoga studios, local gyms, the YMCA, and elsewhere.[30]
  3. Learn how to do Tai Chi. Tai Chi is a set of exercises based on self-defense that blend together into one fluid motion that was developed in ancient China. It is very much like mediation, except that you’re moving. Tai Chi requires you to focus your breathing and motions together to perform the various poses.[31] It can help with decreasing your stress and anxiety, build up your aerobic abilities, improve your energy, stamina, balance, flexibility, and agility, and can build muscle strength.
    • Tai Chi should be offered at a number of places in your community, including some local gyms, city recreation programs, and even senior centers.[32]
  4. Hire a personal trainer. If you’re really serious about the flat stomach, and you have sufficient funds, you may want to consider hiring a personal trainer.
    • Most personal trainers will have been certified by one of many certifying bodies (such as the American Council on Exercise (ACE), the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA), and others).[33]
    • Most personal trainers work through health centers and local gyms, which means you will also require a membership to whatever place your personal trainer works from.[34]
    • Many cities offer personal training options through their city-wide recreational programs and centers.[35]

Maintaining a Healthy Diet

  1. Eat the recommended daily servings of each food group every day. For the purposes of planning a diet, food is divided into four groups — vegetables and fruit, grain products, milk and alternatives, and meat and alternatives. Your gender and age will determine exactly how many servings of each group you will need each day. You can see the recommended number of food guide servings per day, per gender and per age group here.
    • Abdominal muscles are mostly impacted by your diet. Remember that a balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains and healthy fats is essential to creating a killer stomach.
    • A “serving” differs depending on the food group and the type of food.[36]
    • Examples of one serving of fruits or vegetables are: 1/2 cup of juice, 1 cup of raw vegetables, or 1 piece of fruit.
    • Examples of one serving of grains are: 1 slice of bread, 1/2 a bagel/pita/tortilla, 1/2 cup of cooked rice or pasta, or 30 grams of cold cereal.
    • Examples of one serving of milk products are: 1 cup of milk, 3/4 cups of yogurt, 50 grams of cheese.
    • Examples of one serving of meat products are: 3/4 cups of cooked beans, two eggs, two tablespoons of peanut butter, or 1/2 cup of cooked fish, chicken or other lean meat.
  2. Determine what your caloric intake should be per day. Healthy eating includes the recommended daily servings, regardless of the number of calories you’re aiming to eat. Which items you select from each food group to meet your daily requirements will differ depending on whether you're trying to maintain your weight, gain weight, or lose weight.[37] Remember that if your abs are covered by a layer of fat, you will not see them no matter how many exercises you do. You need to lose that body fat.
    • If you want to maintain your weight, you need to eat as many calories as you burn every day.
    • If you want to gain weight, you need to eat more calories than your body burns every day.
    • If you want to lose weight, you need to eat less calories than your body burns every day.
    • To lose 1 pound of body fat, you need to consume 3,500 less calories than you burn. The healthy way to do this is over the course of a week, at minimum. This means you want to eat 500 less calories than you burn every day.
    • Use a journal to keep track of everything you eat, so you can determine the number of calories you’re currently eating every day.
  3. Plan your meals in advance. In an ideal situation, you should plan all your meals in advance so you can ensure you’re meeting all your recommended daily servings of all the food groups. Planning ahead also allows you to know exactly what you need to buy at the grocery store, helping you to avoid browsing and buying unhealthy items.[38] If you’re trying to lose weight, your planning process could also include calorie calculations for each meal, and each day.
    • If you’re able to plan in advance, you might also be able to do some prep or cooking in advance too. You could save yourself a lot of time later in the week by doing this.
  4. Aim to eat the right kinds of fruits and vegetables. To help you decide what fruits and vegetables to eat everyday, plan to have at least one dark green vegetable (i.e. broccoli, spinach, romaine lettuce, etc.) and one orange vegetable (i.e. carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, etc.) per day. When shopping for processed fruits and vegetables, buy the ones made with little or no added salt, sugar, or fat. Steam, bake or stir-fry vegetables, rather than fry them. Stay away from fruit juices as much as you can.[39]
  5. Ensure at least half of your grains are whole grains. When buying grain products, whether at a grocery store or a restaurant, try to select the whole grain or brown version when possible. Many products such as rice, pasta, cereal, and breads come in a whole grain variety. When selecting grain products, also aim to eat those low in fat, sugar and salt, when possible.[39]
    • The same concepts work if you’re baking grain products yourself. Choose whole wheat or other types of whole grain flour. Use recipes that call for lower amounts of salt, sugar, and fat.
  6. Consume lower fat versions of milk products. Most milk and dairy products come in “regular” and “low-fat” versions. Drink skim or 1% milk — and try to drink at least 2 cups of milk every day. Also consider buying milk that has added vitamin D. Use lower fat cream cheese, sour cream, and cottage cheese. Look for low-fat yogurt, and those made without added sugar.[39]
  7. Buy lean meats and more meat alternatives. The meat food group doesn’t include just meat. But when you do eat meat, try to buy the lean versions, or trim the extra fat from your meat before you cook it. Roast, bake, or poach your meat instead of frying it. Select the low-salt versions of processed meats, like those you’d buy for sandwiches. Eat at least two servings of fish every week. Consider adding more meat alternatives to your diet, such as beans and tofu.[39]


  • Use the United States Department of Agriculture’s Super Tracker, found at https://www.supertracker.usda.gov/default.aspx, to create a personal nutrition and exercise plan. You can also use Super Tracker to keep a record of what you each, and what activities you perform, every day.


  • If you have any type of medical condition, speak to your doctor before starting an exercise routine.

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Citations and Sources

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