Explore Abandoned Structures
An abandoned structure is any man made object that is is no longer in use. Structures that could fall into this definition include buildings, bridges, bunkers, tunnels, drains, mines, water towers, railroad tracks, farms, wells, or houses. Here are some easy steps to recognize, enter, and get away with when exploring abandoned structures.
- Avoid breaking local laws. Trespassing is illegal in many countries and jurisdictions. Private property laws vary from one place to another and you should not assume a legal action in one area is legal in another. At many larger structures, the caretakers will grant permission to view the premises they preserve.
- Be aware of your actions. Without speaking with a caretaker or owner, you could be perceived as a squatter, vandal, arsonist, or someone looking for salvage. Make your intentions clear to avoid unfounded accusations.
- Find a site to explore. In most cases, the structures you are looking to explore caught your interest during other activities, rather than by intentional scouting. However, unmentioned structures show their neglect and can be found simply by traveling around your town or city. You can also find structure locations from people with similar interests on internet forums.
- Walk the perimeter. What are the possible entrances (or exits, if there is a need to escape)? Windows, unlocked doors, doors that can be opened by force (note laws), rooftops, tunnels, and holes are all possible entry points into abandoned buildings.
- Decide when to make an entrance. Sometimes it's better to enter during the day for lighting purposes, but nighttime is usually better because you're less likely to be seen. Bring a flashlight and a friend along!
- Find the easiest way in. Do you have to hop a barbed-wire fence, or can you squeeze through an opening instead? In many cases, you'll find infiltrating a structure is much easier than it looks. Barbed-wire, high walls, and locked doors are all good deterrents, but in many cases, there is a part of the structure that is much more vulnerable.
- Explore! Take pictures; look at old furniture, papers, machinery, or anything that catches your eye.
- Leave the structure the same way you found it. You wouldn't want to ruin the experience for future explorers. You also don't want a police report filed if anything is destroyed or stolen.
- Your exploration doesn't have to be limited to urban areas; it's also possible and fun to discover rural structures such as old barns and silos, as well as historical or specialized structures such as catacombs and sewers. Note that catacombs can be EXTREMELY dangerous as it is easy to get lost (they were built that way!) so make sure you always know how to find your way out. If you don't know what you're doing, stay out!
- When exploring take your time, be observant and think about safety. Pay attention to what is around you, overhead and below. Walk carefully. Stepping on a rusted nail can be the least of your problems when exploring abandoned structures (you may fall through a floor or two).
- Wear dark clothes so you'll have less of a chance of being seen. Clothes that don't make lots of noise are also preferable.
- Walk carefully and always watch where you are going in order to avoid injury.
- Bring at least 1 spare light source just in case your main one fails, and don't forget to bring a first aid kit if you cut or bruise yourself.
- Know the local trespassing laws and be ready to accept any consequences.
- Wear boots or thick sturdy shoes because you never know when you might step on a nail.
- Always bring somebody with you, so that they can go and get help if anything goes wrong. There is safety in numbers. At the very least, make sure someone knows where you are, and what time you will be due back.
- Watch out for insects and snakes. You may not be able to tell if they are poisonous or not.
- A red filter on your flashlight will help your natural night vision and will decrease the intensity of light, reducing the chance of it being seen from a distance.
- If you are confronted by a security guard or police officer, they have no right whatsoever to take your camera or other equipment from you. Stand up for your rights. That is, unless you are arrested by law enforcement, in which case you must obey their lawful orders such as letting them take the camera in as property/evidence.
- In the case of a rural residential exploration, look for where the residents may have dumped their garbage a long time ago and bring along a metal detector. You may find old trash that is modern-day treasure.
- You may wear gloves so your fingerprints won't be everywhere.
- There might be people doing drugs or other dangerous activities, so please be careful.
- If you have it, put camo hunting clothes on if your are gonna be in the woods in the daytime.
- BE CAREFUL! Exploring any structures can be lots of fun, but it can also be very dangerous!
- Don't forget, this can be very dangerous!
- Remember, this is illegal almost everywhere! Be careful!
- Old buildings may contain other hazards, such as poisonous substances or asbestos. There will sometimes be a warning sign, but not always! Be careful not to disturb any insulation, ceiling, or floor tiles in order to avoid dangerous airborne asbestos fibers.
- If you have to "squeeze" in somewhere, consider whether you will be able to squeeze-out later.
- Asbestos used to be a building material of choice from the 1930s up to the late 1970s. Its nano-sized particles become airborne from the slightest disturbance or draft. It is highly proven when inhaled to cause Asbestosis (scarring of the lungs), lung cancer and mesothelioma (cancer of the chest lining), which can cause a painful death. If you do not wear a gas mask, it would be well worth your time to read up and study the various forms of asbestos beforehand. This will enable you to identify asbestos and steer clear of a possible premature death.
- As said before, don't explore catacombs unless you are sure it will be fine.
- Taking a shower and changing clothes soon after an extended exploration is a good idea, in order to remove any irritating or harmful substances you may have accidentally come across.
- If you are confronted by a neighbor, security guard or policeman don't run away. This will only compound any trouble you may be in. Explain why you are there and what you have been doing.
- Be aware that stagnant environments often lead to heightened concentrations of diseases, bugs, and pathogens. Evidence of unhealthy environments include mold, animal and bird droppings, saturated building materials, and dead animals. Areas of extreme stagnation, such as mines, pits, and drains can pose undetectable gas hazards.
- If you must enter a building with a posted warning that it is unsafe or condemned, test every step before you put your weight down, as the floorboards may give way. Beware of peeling lead-based paint and insulation.
- Buildings that are condemned or abandoned and boarded or fenced off are that way because they are dangerous. If you want to undertake this activity make sure you are okay with the fact that if something goes wrong you WILL be putting your rescuers, i.e. Police, Firefighters, EMS personnel at risk when they come to your aid. Not only could you be injured and charged with a crime, you could also get others hurt and be liable for reimbursing agencies for the expenses incurred in aiding you. Have fun if you think the risk is worth it.
- If the structure has been abandoned by the original property owner, there might be new residents (squatters!). If you find someone else inside the building, let them know you are there and tell them you're just exploring. Some squatters can be very dangerous, so try to avoid physical confrontation and leave immediately if you think you are in danger of being assaulted.
- Be wary of enclosed places that can contain little to no oxygen. Pipes, pits in the ground and farm silos are all enclosed spaces that can accumulate dangerous gases.
- Don't shut any doors unless you have another way out!!!
- Be aware that actually forcing your way into a structure is an additional crime to that of trespassing.
- Know the local trespassing laws and be ready to accept the possible consequences. Also, be aware of mitigating circumstances: bringing a few tools in case you need them might seem like a good idea, but if you are caught you'll be in more trouble! Also, in some areas it is a worse crime if you are caught at night.
- The majority of explorers forget to ensure whether or not power is still running in a structure like a mall. If it is (or a small part is still running on generator power), be extremely cautious regarding security cameras and/or alarm systems. Some alarm systems are triggered by doors being opened, pressure plates, electromagnetic frequencies, ultraviolet, etc. and can take anywhere from a millisecond from 90 seconds to sound and alert the authorities, or if it is a silent alarm, you will be in for a surprise.
- Spiders love old buildings, and many are poisonous. Black widow, brown recluse, and other spiders can cause serious wounds. Wear thin leather gloves for protection.
- If an abandoned building or area has a sign that displays "NO TRESPASSING" it is illegal to enter without proper authorization.
- Be cautious if the structure shows signs of vandalism, forced entry, looting, or other destructive criminal acts. Urban exploring is not a destructive activity but you can easily be blamed for any damage to a building. Consider what would happen if they charged you with whatever graffiti, theft, or property damage the building has suffered in the last few months.
- Be careful of exploring abandoned places, you can get arrested for trespassing or other related charges.
Things You'll Need
- A pair of long pants
- A shirt with long sleeves
- A pair of gloves: thin leather is best
- Sturdy footwear - waterproof is best
- A flashlight (Red Filter Optional)
- A spare flashlight
- A camera (recommended - if you are caught, it will help to have some physical evidence that you were there doing something other than stealing or vandalizing)
- Spare batteries
- A map of the area (if available)
- Gas mask/Goggles & respirator for eye and lung protection (Not all respirators are certified to protect you from asbestos. Make sure you know what kind you are buying)
- A Trusted Buddy for Backup (dangerous situations)
- Do not bring any tools such as screwdrivers, wrenches, wire-strippers, etc. - if you are caught, they will be enough to get you in trouble for attempted robbery.
- A cell phone, in case you get injured.