Fall Asleep During the Day

There may be some occasions when you want or need to sleep during the day. From working irregular hours to travel or even just wanting to take a nap, getting some rest even during the day can help maintain your overall health and well-being. But it may be difficult to sleep while the sun is up. By allowing yourself to sleep and creating a dark and comfortable environment, you can fall asleep during the day and have a restful slumber.


Getting to Sleep in the Daytime

  1. Allow yourself to enjoy daytime rest. Sleeping during the day can have many mental and physical health benefits such as reducing fatigue and restoring alertness. Allowing yourself to rest during the day can aid you in feeling better. [1]
    • You may feel lazy or reluctant to sleep during the day, but studies have shown that it can decrease fatigue, improve your cognitive performance, sharpen your motor skills, and improve your mood. Daytime sleep may also ease the symptoms of conditions such as Premenstrual Syndrome.[1]
    • Don’t watch the clock, which can cause you distress and subvert your attempts to sleep.[1]
    • If you are sleeping during the day because you work at night, then try to set a regular schedule for yourself.[2] For example, you might go to sleep at 9am and wake up at 5pm.
  2. Choose an optimal time to sleep. If you choose to sleep during the day or need to because of your work schedule, it’s important to choose an optimal time to sleep. This can help you to reap the benefits of daytime sleep without disrupting your day or other sleeping habits.[1]
    • The best time to sleep or nap is between one p.m. and three p.m.[1] This may also help counter decreases in energy and concentration after lunch.[1] However, if you work the night shift, then the best time to sleep is right after your shift ends. For example, if your shift ends at 8am, then head straight home and try to be in bed within 30 minutes of arriving at your home.
  3. Find a comfortable place to sleep. Although a recent study discovered that napping in a bed is the most optimal location, this may not be available to you.[1] Find a place where you can be comfortable and block out any distractions to help you fall asleep during the day.[1]
    • The same study showed that people experienced decreased fatigue and improved concentration irrespective of where they slept.[1]
    • If you are in a library or at work, you can put your head down on your desk and nap or find a more comfortable spot to sleep. For example, if you have an office, you could lay down on the floor under your desk and catch a little shut eye.[1]
    • If you are not at home, you might want to bring a small pillow or earphones with you to help you fall asleep.[1]
  4. Block out as much light as possible. Try blocking out any light sources that may entering your sleeping area. Light may encourage your brain to stay awake and this measure may help you fall asleep quickly.[1]
    • If you are in an office, close blinds. Likewise, shutting curtains in your home can help.
    • Closing your eyes may help block light and help you to fall asleep.
    • Consider a sleep mask or other aid such as pillow to cover your eyes.
    • Make sure electronics such as smart phones and tablets aren’t emitting any light that may be keeping you awake.
    • If you work the night shift, then wear sunglasses on your way home.
  5. Mute as much noise as possible. Disruptive sounds can keep you from effectively falling asleep, so mute as many noises as possible that may disrupt you. This may help you fall asleep quickly.[3]
    • Make sure the television or other electronics are turned off and not making any noises. Text or voice message alerts, even if they are set to vibrate, can disrupt you. You might even want to put them in another room or a filing cabinet so you’re not tempted to look at them.[1]
    • Try a pair of earplugs to block out noise. You could also use a pillow over your head to block noise.
    • White noise, such as a fan or a speaker that plays the sound of waves, can relax you and block out disruptive noises.[4]
    • Carpets or area rugs can help to dampen noise in your sleeping space.[5]
  6. Relax your body. Try tensing and relaxing your muscles as you fall asleep. This may help you relax your entire body enough to go back to sleep.[6]
    • Begin with your toes and work up to your head by tightly tensing each of your muscle groups for five seconds and then release them.[6]
  7. Meditate for a few minutes. There are many different health benefits to meditation including lower blood pressure and heart rate, decreased anxiety and depression, less stress, and greater feelings of relaxation. Trying a few minutes of meditation when you can sleep may help you to fall back asleep quickly and easily.[7]
    • Focus on your breath, but don’t control it. This will help achieve greater relaxation.[7]
    • Let your thoughts come and whenever they arise. This will teach you to focus and let go of anything you can’t control.
    • Any time you need to refocus your mind and help yourself relax, you can repeat “let” with every inhalation and “go” with every exhalation.
  8. Do an uninteresting activity. Find a non-stimulating or boring activity such as reading a report. This may make you drowsy and help you fall asleep.[6]
    • Try reading something uninteresting or watching a television program or movie that is boring.[6]
    • Listening to relaxing music may help you relax and fall asleep.[6]
  9. Sleep for short intervals. One study has shown that sleeping for a shorter period of time during the day has the most benefits. Sleep for 10 to 30 minutes so that you reap the benefits of daytime sleep without interfering with your productivity or bedtime.[1]
    • Short daytime sleep sessions can increase your alertness and performance and improve your mood.[1]
    • Sleeping for longer than 30 minutes during the day may cause grogginess, disorientation, and could disrupt your bedtime.[1] However, if you are sleeping during the day because you work the night shift, then this does not apply. Try to sleep for 7 to 9 hours like you would if you slept at night.
    • Set an alarm to help ensure you don’t sleep too long.[1]
  10. Don’t stress if you can’t fall asleep. If you find that you can’t sleep during the day, don’t stress yourself out about it. You won’t always be able to sleep, and can still benefit from the rest and relaxation.[1]
    • One study found that the intention of napping during the day helped people to relax.[1]
    • If you can’t sleep, simple sit or lay calmly and enjoy the silence around you.[1]

Improving Your Sleeping Conditions

  1. Set a fixed nap time. Establish a time to get to nap. Having this designated time can help regulate your circadian rhythms, or body clock, and may also help you fall asleep during the day without stress.[8]
    • When you set your nap, make sure that you consider factors like eating and time of day. You want to let yourself digest food for an hour or so, for example, so that it doesn’t hamper your ability to fall asleep.[8]
    • The best way to set your internal body clock is to nap at the same time every day.[8]
    • Don’t set a naptime that is too early or late. If you can’t fit it in one day, don’t stress. You may find you can fall asleep more easily in the evening without a nap.[9]
    • Stick to this schedule as much as possible and adjust it if necessary.[10]
  2. Create a restful environment. You won’t want or be able to sleep if your space isn’t comfortable. By controlling factors such as the temperature and darkness, having comfortable bedding or sleeping gear, and removing stimulating electronics, you will help yourself fall asleep during the day.[11]
    • Set temperature in bedroom to between 60-75 degrees for optimal sleeping conditions.[11]
    • Keep computers, TV and work materials out of room as much as possible help yourself rest without stress or stimulation.[11]
    • Light stimulates you to be awake, so make sure that your room is dark enough to help your brain rest and fall asleep. You can use curtains or eye masks to help with rooms that are exposed to a lot of light.[8]
    • Noise will also keep you from getting to sleep. Keep your room as quiet as possible and consider a white noise machine to combat any loud noises that may filter into your bedroom.[12]
    • A comfortable mattress, pillows, and bedding can help you fall asleep.[10] If you are in an office or library, a small pillow may be all you need to fall asleep.[11]
  3. Avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. Caffeine, alcohol, and cigarettes are stimulants that will interrupt your sleep. Avoiding them before you want to sleep or nap may help you fall asleep more quickly.
    • If you consume nicotine or caffeine, avoid them within at least an hour of your naptime.[12] If you work the night shift, then limit your caffeine intake to the beginning of your shift.[2]
    • If you have alcohol with lunch, limit yourself to one to two alcoholic drinks and don’t try and sleep immediately after drinking them.[12]
  4. Eat a light lunch. Eating too close to your naptime or having a heavy lunch can affect your ability to fall asleep. Eat lighter fare such as a salad a couple of hours before you want to sleep to help ensure that you are able to fall and stay asleep.
    • Heavy or spicy meals can cause discomfort and indigestion.[8]
  5. Do simple tasks before your nap. Your body needs time to shift into sleep mode. Wind down an hour before your naptime with simple tasks or activities to help you fall asleep.[10]
    • Try and avoid electronics such as televisions, laptops, tablets, and smart phones within an hour of your naptime if you can. Shows, work, or social media stimulate your brain.[13]
    • Consider reading or doing another activity that will help relax you and make you drowsy.[11]
    • Dim the lights in your sleeping space. Light will stimulate you, so dimming the lights within an hour of your naptime can signal your brain that time to sleep.[8]
  6. Create a naptime ritual. Once you’ve begun to wind down towards your naptime, establishing a ritual can help you fall asleep. There are different activities you can do as a part of your ritual such as having tea or even a warm bath.
    • A ritual can relieve anxiety, stress or excitement that might make it difficult to fall asleep.[8]
    • Reading a book with the lights dimmed will relax and entertain you while not overstimulating you.
    • A warm cup of herbal tea such as lavender or chamomile will relax you and help you sleep.
    • A warm bath can relax you. In addition, the rise and fall in body temperature it causes may cause drowsiness[8]
  7. Rest even if you’re not tired. Take your nap at the same time every day even if you’re not tired. Sticking to this consistent naptime can help you fall asleep or get the rest your body needs.[8]
    • Settling into a comfortable space may help you get to sleep faster even if you don’t feel tired.

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