Sleep Naked
Sleeping naked has so many benefits, it's a wonder more people don't try it. It's great for your skin, your health, and your sex life. If you're used to sleeping in pajamas, it might take a few nights before you get used to sleeping in the buff. Once you get in the habit of sleeping naked and waking up completely refreshed, you'll never look back.
Making the Transition
- Start by sleeping in your underwear. Are you used to sleeping in a full set of pajamas? Even if you normally wear a t-shirt to bed, you might need a night or two to adjust before sleeping fully nude. Going straight from fully clothed to naked might disrupt your sleep at first. Plan to wear just your underwear (no bra) at first to see how it feels.
- Sleeping in just your underwear provides some of the benefits of sleeping naked. More of your skin is exposed to the air, and this circulation helps promote clearer skin.
- However, having underwear on will still cause your body to rely on that extra layer to help regulate heat. The parts of your body covered by underwear won't receive healthy air circulation. That's why it's worth giving nude sleeping a chance.
- Sleep naked under breathable fabrics. Sleeping naked is healthy because it allows your skin to be free of constrictive clothing for a good seven to eight hours. Choose fabrics made from natural materials, preferably cotton, so that the air in your bedroom can circulate through to your body.
- Using polyester and other synthetic materials isn't as healthy for your skin. The fabrics may keep you too warm or block the air, negating the positive effects of sleeping naked.
- If you're really concerned about having the healthiest night's sleep possible, choose sheets made with organic fibers. That way your naked skin won't be exposed to any chemicals.
- Adjust your sheets and covers by the season. Many people complain that it's too cold to sleep naked during the winter. This can easily be remedied by using the proper bedclothes for the season. If you have a good down comforter, your body will adjust to the environment and stay nice and warm without the need for pajamas. In the summer, a sheet and a thin cotton blanket might be all you need to stay comfortable.
- It helps to have a good collection of quilts or thin cotton blankets you can keep in your bedroom. That way you can add or subtract layers depending on your needs.
- Using a top sheet all year round is helpful. You can kick off your blanket if you need to and still have a sheet to keep you from feeling completely exposed.
- Consider bathing before bed. You may find sleeping naked more comfortable if you bathe just before bed. Your skin will feel fresh and clean, and your sheets will stay clean longer that way, too. Taking a warm bath before bed will also help you feel sleepy, so you'll get an even better night's rest.
- Keep a robe right next to your bed. In the morning, you'll have something to slip on immediately so you won't be cold on your way to the bathroom. It's also good to have a robe nearby in case of an emergency. You'll be able to rest easier knowing your robe is right there in case there's some reason you have to quickly leave your bed in the night.
Maximizing the Benefits
- See if your partner wants to sleep naked, too. Skin to skin contact throughout the night causes the body to release oxytocin, a hormone that makes you feel good and helps to alleviate stress and depression. It even reduces blood pressure.
- As an added bonus, feeling your partner's bare skin next to yours can lead to more frequent sex. In this way, sleeping naked can increase intimacy with your partner and strengthen your relationship.
- To make sure you both stay comfortable, keep an extra blanket or two on both sides of the bed. That way each partner can layer according to his or her preference.
Take full advantage of the benefits of sleeping naked by having your partner do it with you.
- Keep your thermostat at 70 degrees (21°C) or below. Humans sleep more deeply in cooler temperatures. When your body overheats, often due to restrictive clothing, you don't get the deep, restorative rest you need to stay healthy.
- Sleeping in cooler temperatures also helps your body regulate melatonin and growth hormone. If you don't get the deep rest that comes with sleeping in a cool space, your body doesn't get the chance to properly produce these hormones, which are essential to repairing your cells.
- Sleeping more deeply will also regulate your body's production of cortisol, a hormone produced when the body experiences stress that leads to weight gain and other health problems. Allow your body to rest completely will prevent it from getting flooded with damaging cortisol.
No matter what the season, keep the temperature in your bedroom low and sleep naked so your body can self-regulate its temperature. If you feel chilly in the night, just use an extra blanket; it's much better for you than wrapping your body in tight pajamas.
- Make sure the room is fully dark. Since you're already getting the benefits of sleeping naked in a cool room, you might as well go all out and get the very best sleep you can. Unplug your nightlights and electronics so you can sleep in a pitch-black room. Sleeping in total darkness allows your brain to be fully at rest, contributing to a great night's sleep.
- Avoid checking your phone or laptop right before you close your eyes. The light from these devices can prevent you from sleeping well.
- If light from the street keeps your room from being pitch-black, invest in blackout curtains for a better night's sleep.
- Allow air to flow over your body. Cool, dry air improves your body's circulation. It also provides the right conditions for improving the health of sex organs for both men and women. For men, keeping the genitals at a cooler temperature helps with sexual function and keeps sperm healthy. For women, allowing cool, dry air to circulate can help prevent yeast infections.
Creating a Comfortable Routine
- Take care of everything before going to bed. If you live in a house with other people aside from your partner, you probably want to take precautions to avoid awkward moments. Make sure the kids are tucked in and ready to sleep before you perform your own nightly routine and get undressed. This limits the prospect of a sleepy kid barging in on you while you're naked.
- If you're particularly worried, don't get undressed until the moment before you hop into bed. Brush your teeth and turn off the light while you're still clothed.
- Don't forget to keep a robe right next your bed, just in case.
- Bar the door if you feel it's safe. You may be in a position to lock or lightly bar the door so no one can walk right in. If you're living in a house with other adults, you might want to get a lock installed so you'll feel more comfortable being naked in your bedroom. If you have little kids and locking the door isn't feasible, try placing a thick towel under the door or putting a chair in front of it. That way you'll get at least a few moments' warning before your child makes his or her way in.
- Set your alarm to rise early. That way you'll be up and clothed before the kids come knocking at your door. If you need more sleep, but you know other people in the house will be waking soon, you can put on a nightshirt and get back into bed to spend the last few moments of your morning sleeping clothed.
- Talk to your kids about privacy. You may want to have a conversation with your kids to tell them that your bedroom is your private space between certain hours. Have them get into the habit of knocking and waiting for your reply before they come inside. That will give you time to put on your robe before they see you naked.
- There will probably be times when your kids do manage to see your bare shoulders peeking out from the covers, and that's OK. It's perfectly normal to sleep naked, and the fact that you do is not something you need to hide from your children.
- Letting them know that you and your partner sleep naked, and that everyone deserves privacy before they put their clothes on, is a fine way to handle the situation and hopefully prevent awkward barge-ins.
- Take showers before bed to keep sheets clean. Also wash sheets frequently to feel fresh.
- If your living situation isn’t conducive to sleeping naked, compromise by sleeping in your underwear.
- Put a sign on your door asking for people to knock first.
- Consider sleeping in a sleeping bag. This way you stay warm, if someone walks in they won't be able to tell if you are naked and you can keep clothes at the bottom of it.
- If someone walks in on you and happens to see you nude, then just simply tell them that they need to go back to bed or just face the fact that they saw you nude and act like it never happened.
- Keep your clothes inside the covers next to you, in case you cannot ensure total privacy.
- Something that helps me is keeping my underwear in my pillow case for when if someone walks in I can just slip them on.
- If you frequently sleepwalk or are on medication that may cause sleepwalking, you may not want to attempt sleeping naked.
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Sources and Citations
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