Field Strip a Cigarette

Whenever you take a walk down the street you see cigarette butts lying everywhere. This is a problem that can be solved.

The filters in cigarettes are not biodegradable and therefore harm our environment whenever dropped. By stripping your cigarette butts you will possibly help the environment just marginally. The much better option though is to keep butts in a container in your pocket - the obvious choice is a cigarette packet - until you reach a rubbish can.


  1. Put out your cigarette.
  2. Remove the filter. Do this by twisting the filter off at the point where it meets the tobacco. The filter should slip out the end. Keep this so that you can dispose of it in a rubbish can later.
  3. Dispose of leftover tobacco. Open up the paper and let the tobacco out. Emptying it over earth or vegetation is not recommended, as tobacco contains many toxins.
  4. Dispose of paper. Scrunch up the paper and throw it away. The ball should be so small that it arguably doesn't count as littering, and the paper is biodegradable.
  5. An alternative is to flatten the paper and shred it with your fingertips, rendering it even more degradable as even the slightest hint of moisture will cause the fragments to fall apart.

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