Roll Your Own Filter Cigarettes

Rolling your own cigarettes is relatively cheap and easy to learn. The DIY method is also beneficial if you are interested in saving money, smoking lower nicotine cigarettes, or experimenting with different, sometimes healthier, blends.


  1. Find a tobacco Specialty store that sells 1 lb. bags of cigarette tobacco. Look for mild or light pipe tobacco for the healthiest blend.
  1. You'll need filtered paper tubes while you are there.
  2. Once you find the tobacco and filter tubes you like you will need a roller to fill the tubes. They are called "injectors". Top and Zig Zag both make them.
  3. They also sell cases. Using the injector process is easy and fast enough to roll a pack while you watch TV. The cases will help keep your hand rolled cigarettes fresh until you smoke them.
  4. After you have all of this nailed and know what you are doing, buy large containers of tobacco. Most will keep fresh long enough. It all depends how much you smoke. Purchase smaller supplies if you prefer going to the tobacco store often to try different varieties.
  5. Enjoy the taste of a fresh cigarette with the satisfaction you made it on your own and in the end save money.


  • Smoking kills many people. A common estimate is about 1/3 of smokers die from smoking related illness. But there are also smoking-related illnesses that aren't fatal, so it's safe to assume your chances of contracting illness from smoking are even greater than 1/3.

Things You'll Need

  • Filter tubes
  • Tobacco
  • Roller/Injector
  • Case (optional)

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