File an FAA Flight Plan
A flight plan is the cheapest insurance you can get. If you do not arrive at your destination within half an hour after your expected time, flight service will do everything in their power to find you, arranging search and rescue if needed. Although many pilots choose to fly without a flight plan, as long as it is free, it is well worth the effort to file.
This article describes the process of filing a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) flight plan in the US. The process may be different for other countries or the military.
- Check the type of flight. It will be VFR (visual flight rules), IFR (instrument flight rules), or DVFR (defense visual flight rules). To file a composite flight plan (a portion of the flight VFR and IFR) check both boxes.
- Enter your aircraft identification. This is your tail number or designated call sign.
- Enter your aircraft type and special equipment. The equipment codes are as follow:
No DME /X No transponder /T Transponder with no Mode C /U Transponder with Mode C DME /D No transponder /B Transponder with no Mode C /A Transponder with Mode C TACAN only /M No transponder /N Transponder with no Mode C /P Transponder with Mode C Area navigation (RNAV with LORAN, VOR/DME, or INS) /Y No transponder /C Transponder with no Mode C /I Transponder with Mode C Advanced RNAV with transponder and Mode C /E Flight Management System (FMS) with DME/DME and IRU positioning update /F FMS with DME/DME position updating /G Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) /R Required Navigational Performance (RNP) Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) /J /E with RVSM /K /F with RVSM /L /G with RVSM /Q /R with RVSM /W RVSM - Enter the aircraft's true airspeed (TAS) in knots.
- Enter the airport identifier code for your departure point. The name of the airport can be used if you do not know the identifier code.
- Enter your proposed departure time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC or Zulu).
- Enter your cruising altitude. If you plan on more than one cruising altitude, only list the initial altitude.
- Define your route of flight. Use NAVAID codes, airport codes, and airways as applicable. You do not need to enter the departure airport or destination as those are included in separate blocks. Start with the first checkpoint or instrument departure procedure followed by subsequent checkpoints. For example: DEPART3.ABC - V 23 - V 104 - XYZ Direct KSFO Direct XYZ - V 84 - INTSC
- Enter the identifier for your destination airport.
- Enter your estimated time en route (ETE) in hours and minutes. For example: 1 + 30 min
- Enter any remarks to help ATC or clarify other flight plan information. Such as the registration number if using a designated call sign. If you are flying IFR and do not wish to use a published departure procedure, write NO DP in this section. Note you will still need to fly the obstacle departure procedure for the airport if the weather is below VMC (Visual Meteorological Conditions) to ensure terrain clearance.
- Specify the amount of fuel on board in hours and minutes.
- Specify any alternate airports if desired. For IFR flights, you are required to list an alternate if, for your destination airport one hour before and after your estimated time of arrival, the ceiling is forecast below {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} or visibility less than {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}. Remember the 1-2-3 rule (±1 hr, ceiling 2000 ft, visibility 3 mi).
- Enter your name, address, telephone number, and home base. This information will help in the event of a search and rescue mission.
- Enter the number of persons on board including yourself, passengers, and crew.
- Enter the predominant colors of your aircraft.
- Record a destination telephone number (optional) to assist search and rescue contact if you are more than half an hour late of your estimated time of arrival (ETA).
- Call your Flight Service Station (FSS) and give them all the information above. Flight plans may also be filed on-line through a number of services including DUATS.
- VFR flights should Activate their flight plan once airborne by contacting flight service on the radio. The frequency can be found on a VFR or IFR chart and in the airport facility directory. IFR flights should contact departure or center on the appropriate frequency
- VFR flights should close their flight plan after arriving at your destination by calling FSS. IFR flights are closed automatically upon arrival at airports with towers.
- The phone number for flight service is 1-800-WX-BRIEF (1-800-992-7433).
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