Find a Legal Parking Space

Here are several hints about how to find legal parking, especially in crowded cities.


  1. Slow down or even stop your car; no one ever gets a parking space by speeding down the street. Slow down and look around you. See if there are yellow spaces or construction zones that you can take advantage of.
  2. Drive slowly down the street and look for cars pulling out. Your goal is to put a large amount of space between you and other traffic on the street. You would like to catch someone pulling out of a space or someone walking to their car--and to have your car in position to get that space. The fewer cars near you can only help in this search.
  3. Use the courtesy wave when someone gives you a space, if you want to keep the parking gods happy.
  4. Take the open space that is reasonably close to your destination. It is better to have a parking space in hand, rather than gamble on the chance you might find one closer. Remember, we can always use the exercise.
  5. Look at the yellow zones and construction signs. Sometimes you can catch these at the right time and bravely park where others fear to tread.
  6. Arrive on time: the later you are for an appointment, the less likely you will find a parking space. Leave early and find a space in front.
  7. Blocking traffic is usually alright when you're waiting for somebody to pull out. People may honk, but you can wait a reasonable time and hope people move around you.


  • Get a feel for the traffic on the street.
  • It is very likely that when you are out of your car and walking to your destination, you will see spaces open up closer to your destination. Do not consider getting back in your car and trying for those spaces. They will be gone the minute you put the key in the ignition.
  • Hanging over someone's driveway or parking in front of a hydrant should not be done for it likely will cause pain to another. Plus, in most cities, illegal parking is very costly.


  • Pay the parking meter, if you have to. A few dollars spent is better than having to pay hundreds on a parking ticket.
  • Never leave animals or children in the car without air conditioning; it doesn't matter how long you're gone, the car will either increase or decrease in temperature. This can often be fatal.
  • Keep any valuable possessions hidden somewhere in the car, or better yet, keep them at home.
  • If you are waiting for a vehicle to leave a parking spot, do not stop so close to them that they cannot drive out.
  • Park properly. Never park too close to another car, never occupy two spaces, and never park diagonally; the consequences could mean a trip to the garage to cover up an ugly scratch.

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