Find a Summer Job as a Landscaper

One of the most popular ways to earn money in the summer for students and people looking to supplement their income is to do landscaping. Whether mowing and weeding the lawns and gardens of private homes or contributing to major landscaping projects in commercial properties, parks, and recreational areas, there is often plenty of landscaping work to be found in the summer. Find a summer job as a landscaper by applying with landscaping companies, or by offering to cut and maintain lawns on your own.


  1. Prepare a landscaping resume. Even a summer job requires professionalism and preparedness. Write a resume that includes your contact information, educational background, and any experience you have with landscaping, yard work, or other jobs. Include any references who would be willing to support your work and character.
  2. Look for and respond to help wanted ads. Advertisements from people needing help with lawn care can be found in printed newspapers, on employment websites online, and in local and seasonal publications. Begin looking for ads a few weeks before the summer season begins. Pay attention to how the ad asks you to respond, whether it is in person, via email, or with a phone call.
  3. Inquire about job openings at local landscaping companies. Landscaping businesses may be looking to add to their teams in the summer months, even if they do not advertise. Stop in to businesses that offer landscaping services and talk to someone responsible for hiring. Bring a copy of your resume, and be prepared to fill out an application.
  4. Check for listings on school job boards or career centers. If you are a student, check out your career center before leaving school for the summer. Many schools assist students in finding jobs for the summer, and they might keep a listing of people and companies looking for landscaping help.
  5. Offer your services independently. If you do not want to work for a company, and would prefer the flexibility of setting your own hours and pay rate, you can offer to cut lawns, weed gardens, pour mulch, and trim trees on your own. You will need to have access to equipment if you are going to work independently, so make sure you have a lawnmower, a rake, and a weed trimmer, at the very least. Only accept jobs that you know you are prepared to do well.
    • Place your own ad. Write an ad online or in local newspapers advertising your landscaping services. Post flyers with your phone number in common areas around time, such as community bulletin boards at the library or recreation centers.
    • Go door to door. Check in with the people in your neighborhood you know. See if they need someone to mow their lawns and landscape their gardens for the summer. They may be glad you offered.
    • Use word of mouth. Tell everyone you know that you are looking for summer landscaping work. Friends and family members may be able to provide you with leads and suggestions.


  • Remember to demonstrate passion as well as skill for the job. When looking for a landscaping job, explain why you want to work in the field, such as your love of the outdoors, an interest in flowers, or your appreciation of a well-manicured lawn. People will want to hire landscapers who really care about the work they are doing.
  • Think beyond the summer. Perform as much work as you can all year round. Shovel snow in the winters, clear gutters in the spring, and rake leaves in the fall. This will give you additional experience for your resume, and keep you fresh in the minds of potential customers when the summer rolls around again.

Things You'll Need

  • Resume
  • Lawnmower
  • Rake
  • Weed trimmer
