Get the Ideal Summer Job

Finding a summer job can be extremely difficult, especially in times of economic downturns. If you are willing to work hard and be persistent, then finding a great summer job is possible.


  1. Write out your resume. If you already have one, update it and make sure that it is professional and well formatted. It is always advisable to have someone else look over it before you start sending copies out.
  2. Look for job postings on the internet, in the newspaper, at your school, and find help wanted signs at local businesses.
  3. Next, you will want to send your resume to all of these jobs. It is also important to write a cover letter for the jobs that you are interested in. When giving out your resume, do not just email it or submit it online. If it is possible, go and give your resume in person, preferably to the person doing the hiring.
  4. The hardest step is waiting. Many of the places you handed submitted your resume to will not respond, but some will. As you are in the waiting stage continue to keep your eye out for new job postings.
  5. If you have gotten an interview be sure to bring references. Make sure to ask your references ahead of time to let them know to expect a call. Prepare for the interview by determining what kind of questions you might be asked, and have your response ready so you will not be nervous. Always be honest and tell them why it is you want this job. If it is something you are passionate about, let them know it.


  • Be sure to apply for summer jobs as early as possible, as many employers hire well before summer begins
  • Be prepared for the interview. Be polite and dress nicely.
  • If you have any questions of the employer be sure to ask them.
  • Apply for all the jobs you can find, because it can take many applications at different places before you get a response back.


  • Always be honest in your resume and interviews. It is important to always be open about your skills and qualifications.

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