Find a Woman Using Her Maiden Name

It can be difficult to find a woman if you only know her maiden name. Using a People Search service can help you discover a married name and learn how to reconnect with the right person.


  1. Visit a website that owns and sells public records. These records contain data that can help you find most anyone in the United States.
  2. Enter the woman's maiden name, and include any other information you know. This may be a city, state, age, Date Of Birth, etc.
  3. Complete the search to get a list of people who match your criteria. This may be enough to help you find the right person, but if not, you can keep trying.
  4. Collect all the addresses you received in your people search report. Run an address search on each one. This will provide you with a list of people who resided at each address.
  5. Review the list carefully and look for the woman's maiden name. In most cases you will be able to learn her married name from the report.
  6. Run another People Search using the woman's married name. This will give you the details you need to find her again.
  7. Keep in mind that most websites will allow you to look up the person you are looking for but will sometimes tell you that they couldn't find a match. Then they will want to send you to some website that will make you pay to get the info you need. The above 6 steps were great back when the net was still fairly free but now it is all about the money.


  • Enter as much information as you know to get the best possible results.
  • Speak to relatives of the woman you're looking for to see if they can assist you in your search. They may link to her.

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