Fist Bump
The fist bump is an excellent way to greet someone if you're tired of high-fives and don't like handshaking. While fist-bumping in the past has been used in more informal situations, it's now used even in a business setting as an alternative to the handshake. Learning how to fist bump is super easy, but there are quite a few different variations you can also use to mix up your fist bump.
Performing a Traditional Fist Bump
- Ball your hand up into a fist. Press the tips of your fingers into your palm so that your hand makes a fist.This will be the position that you keep your hand in for the bump.
- Put your fist out in front of you. Place your fist in front of your body with your knuckles facing up. Look at the other person to see if they are going to reciprocate. If they don't notice that you want to fist bump, look down at your hand so that they realize what's going on.
- Push your arm slowly and touch the other person's knuckles. When the other person puts up their fist, push your arm forward so that your knuckles meet with their knuckles. Don't do it too hard because it could hurt them or come off as aggressive.
Performing Fist Bump Variations
- Twist your fist at the end of the bump for a pocket bump. Bump fists like you normally would, but twist your wrist in 90 degrees upward after you touch fists to perform the pocket bump. This looks cool and can be something special that you share with a specific friend.
- Hit your hips together after the fist bump. If you have a really good friend and you always fist bump, try bumping your hips together after you fist bump to solidify your bond. Line up side to side and bump your hips together after the fist bump if you're both really excited about something.
- Open your hands and wiggle your fingers for a fist bump explosion. After touching knuckles, open up your hand, pull it back, and wiggle your fingers. If you both do this, it will look like an explosion.
Knowing When To Fist Bump
- Use a fist bump to greet other people. If you're meeting someone, you can use a fist bump as a simple gesture to say hello and introduce yourself. You can give fist bumps to people in the school hallway, or when you see a friend in a social situation.
- Replace handshakes with fist bumps. Think of situations where you'd give someone a handshake and replace it with a fist bump. You can fist bump when introducing yourself to someone, or when meeting up with your friends. You can also use a fist bump as a way to say goodbye to people.
- Congratulate someone with a fist bump. Instead of using a high-five, consider using a fist bump. The fist bump's origins are usually connected to professional sports and were used when a player made an impressive play or scored a goal.