Find the Fuse Box or Circuit Breaker Box
While it is not a common occurrence, every once in a while you may have to replace a fuse or reset a breaker. It helps to know where your circuit breaker or fuse box is beforehand so you aren't searching in the dark during a power outage. Boxes can be anywhere from outside to in your basement. Once you've found it, it's important to know the difference between a circuit breaker box and a fuse box, and how to restore power.
Finding Your Circuit Breaker or Fuse Box
- Search inside. Keep an eye out for a metal box, usually flush with the wall. The box will have a metal door to keep the breakers or fuses protected. Check your garage for the circuit breaker or fuse box. It might also be in a storage room, the basement, or a hallway.
- If you can't find your box in one of these areas, look again or see if you can spot where the power connects to your house from outside. Check for your box in the surrounding areas.
- If you live in an apartment, check in a cupboard or hallway.
- Search outside. Depending on how old your house is, your circuit breaker or fuse box could be outside. Check next to the meter box for your house.
- If you have trouble finding your circuit breaker or fuse box, ask a neighbor where theirs is. If you live in a neighborhood with houses built in the same era, the boxes may be in similar locations.
- Call an electrician if you can't find your circuit breaker or fuse box. Some boxes can be hard to find depending on additions or remodels made to the house.
- Determine if you have a fuse box or a circuit breaker box. Once you've found your box, open the door. If you see rows of switches, you have a circuit breaker box. Fuses are round and screw into sockets in the fuse box, much like a light bulb.
- Older homes tend to have fuse boxes. If you have a particularly large house, you may even have multiple fuse boxes.
Replacing a Blown Fuse
- Unplug any appliances in the same area where power loss occurred. If you lost power in your bedroom, unplug everything in that room before replacing any fuses.
- If you don't unplug any appliances before replacing the fuse, you run the risk of blowing the new fuse as well.
- Turn off the main power in the fuse box. You should see a main power switch in the fuse box that can be toggled between On/Off. Wear gloves and rubber soled shoes when working in the fuse box.
- Be sure to remove any jewelry before replacing fuses.
- It is possible to replace fuses without turning the main power off, but it is dangerous. Exercise caution when working in the fuse box.
- Find the broken fuse. In each fuse box there should be a circuit list that tells you what fuses control what circuits. This will give you an idea of what fuse may have blown. Find the fuse that corresponds with the area of the house that lost power.
- The blown fuse will be cloudy or the metal line in the fuse will be broken.
- If you don't have a circuit list, you may have to guess which fuse is blown. If you pull a fuse out and no other circuits lose power, you've found the blown fuse.
- Replace the fuse. To replace the fuse, simply screw the new fuse into the socket. Make sure you replace the fuse with a new one of the same amperage. Do not replace a blown fuse with one of a higher rating.
- Fuses are rated at 15, 20, or 30 amps. The higher the rating the larger the appliance they power.
- Turn on the main power. Once you have replaced the fuse, switch the main power back on. If the fuse blows again, call an electrician to inspect your wiring.
- If the fuse does not blow, plug in any appliances you were using. If the fuse blows, there could be a problem with the appliance. There could also be too many appliances plugged into one circuit.
Resetting a Breaker
- Unplug any appliances in the area without power. When you trip a breaker and lose power to a room, unplug everything in that room.
- Find the "tripped" breaker. You can spot the breaker in question by finding the switch that is out of line with the other switches. If you have power, your breakers should all be in the "on" position. The tripped breaker will either be flipped to "off" or it will not be fully on.
- Reset the breaker. Flip the tripped breaker all the way off before turning it back on. Many breakers will not reset unless they have been turned off completely.
- If the breaker trips immediately, call an electrician to inspect your wiring.
- Test your power. Once you have flipped the breaker back on, plug your appliances back in. If you trip the breaker again, there may be an issue with your appliance, or you could be plugging too many appliances into one circuit.
- If you trip the breaker from plugging in too many appliances, try using a different outlet. If that does not solve the problem, call an electrician.
- Other names for a fuse box or breaker box include electrical box or service panel.
- Make sure all adults living in your home know where the fuse box or breaker box is located.
- If your box does not have a circuit list, you may need to create your own.
- Use a flashlight to help you find the circuit breaker or fuse box in a power outage.
- Call an electrician if you can see loose wires in your box.
- Older homes can have more than one circuit breaker or fuse box. If shutting off power in your home, make sure you turn off the main power at each box.
- Keep a box of spare fuses next to your fuse box to make replacing them easier.
- Never replace a blown fuse with one of a higher amperage. Doing so could start a fire.
- Do not block the path to the your circuit breaker or fuse box.