Fish for Mackerel in New England

Pier fishing can be enjoyable and relaxing whether or not you catch a fish. Let's not kid ourselves though - it's much more fun to reel in that line if there's a fish waiting at the other end. This guide will point you in the right direction toward reeling in buckets of fish.


  1. Select your rod & reel. The average mackerel weighs a little less than a pound, so you won't need a heavy rod & reel combination. A light spinning reel on a five foot pole and 6lb. or 8lb. test fishing line will allow for good casting and will be sturdy enough to reel in your catch.
  2. Buy your lures. My secret to catching lots of mackerel is Sabiki. Sabiki is a Japanese word meaning bait rig. The typical sabiki has a center line and several branches with decorated hooks tied to the end of each branch. One end of the center line has a snap onto which you'll attach a small weight, diamond jig, or other weighted lure. The other end has either a loop or a swivel, onto which you'll tie the line from your fishing pole. You will probably lose at least one or two rigs over the course of the day, so it is best to have three sabiki rigs and three diamond jigs (for weight) if you plan to fish for more than a few hours.
  3. Pick your day and time. Mackerel are easiest to catch from late spring to mid summer, before the bigger fish migrate north and start chasing them out of the harbor.
  4. Pick your spot. New England has many harbors and plenty of coastline, and the fish can be nearly anywhere. Although you'll be fishing within a few feet of the surface, you'll still want deep water, so docks and piers work better than surf-casting at the beach.
  5. Tie your sabiki rig to your line, and weight the opposite end of the sabiki with a small diamond jig lure.
  6. Cast your line as far as you can into the harbor, and then reel your line in slowly. Jerk the fishing pole upward once every twenty seconds or so. This is called "jigging" and will make your sabiki rig seem like a frightened school of small fish - dinner for your mackerel!
  7. When you get a bite, stop jigging and simply reel in your line at an even, steady pace. If you reel in too fast, your fish may break free. Mackerel like to swim side to side to try to escape, so enjoy the ride while you reel him in.
  8. Don't be surprised if you hook another fish or two on your sabiki while bringing in the first fish. Other mackerel in the school might mistake your fish's struggle for jumps of joy at the delicious food he's eating, and want to try some too! You may bring in up to four fish on a single cast, and more often than not, you may catch at least two at a time.
  9. If you don't catch a fish on the first cast, don't worry! You may be jigging for an hour or two before your first bite. Be patient; the school will swim by and see your rig eventually.


  • Mackerel travel in schools and follow the tides, so you'll have your best luck during the two or three hours before and after high tide.
  • Adjust the "drag" on your reel so that it will release some line if you tug hard. This will prevent your line from snapping if you hook a big fish.
  • When jigging in your line, reel in fast enough that your line doesn't sink to the bottom, but not so fast that it rides the surface. The mackerel are usually about four to six feet below the surface.
  • Ask the clerk at the local bait & tackle shop where folks have been having the most luck lately.
  • Be sure to tie your line securely so you don't lose your gear (and fish) the first time you get a bite.


  • Use sunscreen and insect repellent, but avoid getting it on your hands, or clean your hands before handling your line or lures. The strong chemical odor will scare away the fish.
  • Don't fall in the water!
  • Always be careful handling hooks and lures, and be careful not to hook people near you when casting.

Things You'll Need

  • Fishing pole with spinner reel
  • Sabiki bait rig
  • "Diamond" jig lure

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