Set up a Fishing Pole for Bass Fishing

For most freshwater fishermen, bass is the ultimate quarry. Anglers pursue the rugged game fish for the fight it puts up when hooked and the delicate flavor it yields when grilled. Bass is found in abundance in ponds, lakes and streams throughout North America, and even novice fisherman can hook them. But regardless of experience level, anglers have to be sure that they're using the right equipment. Follow these steps to learn how to set up a fishing pole for bass fishing.


  1. Select the right kind of rod for bass fishing. Think of your fishing pole as a tool. Like any tool, it's designed to perform a specific function. Many factors must be considered in choosing a fishing rod that will help you catch bass. Some of the basic features include:
    • Action: The rod's primary function is to take strain off the line when you're fighting a fish. The type of action, or flexibility, you need in your rod depends on the fish you're targeting. Most fishermen find that medium-action rods are ideal for bass. The action level is printed on the rod handle.
    • Type: The type of rod you choose has to be compatible with the reel you're using. A casting rod is compatible with either a spincast or baitcast reel. An open-faced spinning reel only works on a spinning rod.
    • Assembly: Most fishing rods are made from graphite or fiberglass and can be disassembled for easy storage. Two-piece rods connect at the ferrule, which is usually marked. Slide the pieces together and twist to secure the connection. After assembly, make sure the small circular guides that run along the length of the rod line up.
  2. Pick a reel based on your skill level. Some reels offer significant advantages over others but are difficult to operate. The 3 type most popular types among bass anglers are:
    • Spincast: This type of reel is easy to use, making it ideal for beginners. But it's best suited for pan fish, like bluegill and crappie. A Spincast reel can be easily attached to the top of a casting rod. Slide the reel mount into the reel seat at the top of the handle on the rod. Tighten the connection mechanism by hand.
    • Baitcast: Baitcast reels are ideal for bass fishing. They provide the angler with pinpoint casting accuracy and have the torque to pull heavy lures and large fish out of dense underwater vegetation. Like spincast types, they mount on the top of the rod.
    • Spinning: Spinning reels set on the underside or the pole. The low friction of the system enables fishermen to cast lightweight lures considerable distances.
  3. Choose the right fishing line for bass. When you buy a new reel, the store will spool it with whatever kind of fishing line you choose. There are 3 primary types of line: nylon monofilament, fusion/braided and fluorocarbon. Comparisons between the types are based on several factors.
    • Test: The breaking point of the line is its test strength, which is measured in pounds. Fusion and braided lines may be listed with a 12-lb. diameter, but can withstand 24 lbs. of force.
    • Abrasion resistance: Spool your reel with a line that is rated for high abrasion resistance. This allows you to fish the heavy cover where bass lurk without damaging the line.
    • Knot strength: Fishermen tie knots in fishing lines and leaders to secure rigs, lures, hooks and jogs. Knots weaken lines. Sections that have been knotted several times should be cut after a period of time.
  4. Thread the line through the ceramic guides on the pole. Release the drag on your reel and slip the line through the circular ceramic guides that run the length of the rod. With a spinning set-up, make sure you run the line under the bail before threading the guides.
  5. Tie a hook or lure at the end of the line. Decide whether you want to use live bait or artificial lures to catch bass in your area. Through experience, you'll learn what baits are most effective at certain times of the day and with specific kinds of bass. Lures and hooks can be tied using any number of techniques, but the fisherman's knot is among the strongest.
    • Push the line through the eye of the lure.
    • Pull the line back over itself and wrap it around the section leading to the lure 5 times.
    • Holding the wrapped section in place, slip the end of the line through the loop under the eye.
    • Drop the end of the line through the large loop that remains.
    • Hold the main section of line and the end of the line. Pull the coils together until they spiral. Make sure they don't bunch up and overlap each other.
    • Clip the end with pliers. With the lure on the end of the line, you're ready to fish.


  • Apply a bit of saliva onto the line just before you tighten a knot. This lubricates the line and strengthens the tie. Lakes and streams contain bacteria, so don't lick your line directly.
  • Make sure your reel is mounted securely and in alignment with the rod's guides.

Things You'll Need

  • Fishing rod
  • Reel
  • Fishing line
  • Hooks
  • Artificial lures
  • Pliers with built-in wire cutter

Sources and Citations