Fit Small Bursts of Exercise Into Your Day

Doing the same, long exercise for hours on end will not help everyone on their path to being fit and healthy. If you don't consider yourself an athlete or you don't take part in sport or exercise on a regular basis, you may want to try fitting in small "bursts" of exercise into your daily life. Try some or all of these steps combined with a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.


  1. Aim to do at least 250 step in every hour between 8:00am and 5:00pm. Go about your life as normal. Go to work, go shopping with friends, live your life as you would each and every day but get up and walk 250 steps every hour. Try not to march on the spot, walk some where - going to a distant restroom is a good way to get 250 steps in. This also helps you concentrate when you get back to work.
  2. Take the stairs instead of using the elevator. Walking up stairs is good exercise. If you aren't able to walk up every flight of stairs between you and your destination, try to do two flights at least then take the elevator the rest of the way.
  3. Walk or cycle instead of commuting if practical. Instead of driving the kids to school, walk with them, and encourage your kids to become healthier too.
  4. Do squats when you brush your teeth. If you 120 steady squats you'll get some exercise and clean your teeth for the recommended two minutes.
  5. Put laundry away one for two items at a time. Moving from your laundry room to the bedroom and back enough times needed to put away all your clothes will be a burst of exercise that helps keep your home organised too. Try squatting to put items in low drawers, close drawers between putting away items so your arms are moving more. Stretch to put clothes or linen on higher shelves. Move consciously as you do this routine task bit by bit.
  6. Jog or walk briskly to the corner shop or neighbourhood store. If you only need a couple of items of groceries, don't get into the car and drive to the super market, walk or jog to a local store instead. You can of course walk to a super market if that's practical for you.
  7. Stay positive about the small, frequent bursts of exercise you are doing. Being positive will not only keep you motivated, but it can increase your life span and can make everyone around you feel happier. Learn how to motivate yourself, and stay focused. You could lose pounds, and not even know it.
  8. Tag along with a friend. When you exercise with someone, you lose weight faster. If you don't have a lot of local, close or any friends, you can make friends by joining a gym or dance club. This will help you stay healthy and have a balanced social life.


  • Keep a cold bottle of water with you whenever you exercise. It's very important to keep yourself topped up with water, especially if you walk or exercise everyday.
  • Eat healthier. Try to eat at least five pieces of fruit or vegetables everyday. Swap colas and fizzy drinks for smoothies, or better still--water!
  • Get and app for your mobile phone or a device or a fitness tracking to device to help you monitor your activity.

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