Stay Motivated at the Gym

You picture yourself entering the gym with 100 percent commitment, fire coursing through your veins. When you actually get inside, however, you spend most of your time fussing with your music options or side-staring those around you. If you feel de-motivated once you get to the gym, you can fix that by setting yourself up for greater success. Stay motivated by reviewing your progress, adding interest to your routine, and addressing common obstacles.


Using Progress as Fuel

  1. Create a rewards system. When you’re not feeling intrinsically motivated, it’s helpful to offer extrinsic motivation to your workouts to keep you productive. Develop a rewards system based on your goal, and treat yourself accordingly.[1]
    • Most experts discourage you from rewarding yourself based on weight loss. Instead of focusing on the number on the scale, set milestones such as number of days worked out in a week or number of reps you complete of a certain exercise.
    • In terms of rewards, never treat yourself with food. Go for exciting but non-food rewards such as a new journal, a pair of earrings, or a snazzy new leather jacket.
  2. Start a fitness journal. Recording your daily fitness routine and the changes happening in your body serves a two-fold purpose. Your journal entries give you objective feedback on your progress, and help you stay motivated as you look back on how far you’ve come.[2]
    • Even if you’re just starting or have experienced a setback, your journal can be motivating. Review it weekly to see patterns in your fitness behaviors that need tweaking for greater success.
  3. Get a fitness assessment. Most gyms offer basic fitness assessments as a part of membership. Even if yours doesn’t offer this service complimentary, it’s worth the extra fee. A comprehensive assessment can give you details about your overall physical health, like your body fat composition and basal metabolic rate. The numbers you get from this assessment at the start of your journey are a great way to review your progress and maintain motivation.[3]
  4. Make an “I love my body because…” board and watch how it changes. Whether you’ve been working out for years or just entered a gym for the first time, it’s important to express gratitude for your body just the way it is. However, as you go through plateaus in your fitness journey, it’s inspiring to look back and see how your relationship with your body has changed, especially when you’re feeling unmotivated during a fitness plateau.[4]
    • Start an “I love my body because…” board on a free wall in your home or in a notebook. Write down reasons, such as “I love my body because my legs help me to be a strong dancer” or “…my hips helped me give birth to a healthy baby.”

Adding Pep to Your Step

  1. Go with a friend. Friends make even the worst experiences bearable. Going to the gym is no exception. Ask a buddy to join you and you’ll benefit from increased motivation, and likely increased compliance. When you’re going in alone, it’s easy to make up excuses not to go. But it’s harder to do that to a friend. So find someone who needs motivation and be each other’s accountability.[5]
    • It may even be nice to set up friendly competition with your pal. For instance, the person who does the most reps in strength training gets a free lunch courtesy of the other.
  2. Put together a motivating playlist. The right music can totally transform your workout. Figure out which songs add energy to your workouts, and create a playlist of them. Bring your headphones and pump up the music for instant motivation.[6]
  3. Refresh your wardrobe. Heading off to the gym in the same old t-shirt and shorts makes for a lackluster visit. Spice up your fitness routine by purchasing a few new articles of clothing. You just might get the burst of enthusiasm you need to take your workouts to the next level.[7]
    • You don’t even have to break the bank to reap the benefits of a new workout wardrobe. Just choose some items that fit in fun colors and styles.
  4. Expand your options. If you’re still doing the same routine you were doing six months ago, it’s no wonder you’re feeling uninspired. Change it up to add interest to your fitness routine. This might include trying a new machine or joining an engaging fitness class.[2]
    • For instance, if you always use the treadmill, try the elliptical or stair climber. If you have been doing the same thighs exercise, challenge yourself by doing more reps or including new moves.
  5. Get a personal trainer. Similar to a workout buddy with a dose of military sergeant tossed in, a personal trainer can do wonders for your fitness motivation. Hiring a trainer costs extra money, so you’re more likely to put your all in. Plus, you’ll feel motivated to do your best because you’re taking special time from someone else’s schedule.[6]

Reducing Obstacles

  1. Schedule your workout at the most convenient time. Consistency is key when it comes to building a successful fitness routine. And, if you’re like most people, your chances of remaining consistent increase when you don’t have to go out of your way. Experts recommend morning workouts because motivation wanes as the day goes on. But, for best results, exercise at the time that’s most convenient for you.[8]
    • The most convenient time for you might be when you first wake each morning, on your lunch break at work, or in the evenings when your workout buddy is available. Pick a time and stick to it.
  2. Visit a nearby gym. The location of your gym is also important for helping you stay motivated to exercise. If your gym is far away or not easily accessible, you will come up with more excuses not to go. For this reason, go to a gym close by home or work.
  3. Stop comparing. Visiting your gym is about improving your physical fitness and enhancing your relationship with your body. Yet, so many people fill their minds with comparisons about how they measure up to others. Comparisons only decrease your motivation for working out. Bring awareness to your tendency to compare and stop it now.[9]
    • Set a personal goal to stop comparing at the start of the week. Write it down on a piece of paper and drop it in your gym bag. Then, when you catch yourself comparing, say something positive about yourself like “I am so much better at Pilates than when I first started.” Do this repeatedly until you start focusing on yourself and not on others.
  4. Know when to rest. If you’re pushing yourself too hard, you can start resenting the very idea of going to the gym. Notice when you need a break and give yourself permission to take one. Besides, pushing yourself too hard won’t necessarily lead to better results. In fact, going overboard can result in injuries or self-defeating behaviors that set back your progress.[10]

Sources and Citations

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