Fix "Corefoundation.Dll Is Missing" Errors

"CoreFoundation.dll is missing" is a common problem for millions of computers around the world, and is associated with Apple software products which rely on the file to run. Even though this error is very common, the good news is that you can now fix it relatively easily by using the steps outlined below.


  1. Reinstall iTunes and any other Apple software you may have on your PC. All Apple software products use "CoreFoundation.dll" to help control a number of important data inputs to the programs, meaning that if it's damaged or missing, your software may have something to do with it. You can reinstall iTunes by doing this:
  2. Click onto "Start > Control Panel > Add / Remove Programs".
  3. Locate the "iTunes" listing.
  4. Click "Uninstall" next to iTunes.
  5. Wait for the uninstallation procedure to commence.
  6. After your software has been uninstalled, restart your PC, download the latest version of iTunes and install a fresh copy.
  7. Replace the CoreFoundation.dll file on your system with one from the Internet. Good news is that you can download a replacement file from many of the "DLL downloads" websites, allowing you to quickly replace the damaged, missing or corrupted one that your PC may have.
  8. Register CoreFoundation.dll. Use the command regsvr32 C:/Windows/System32/CoreFoundation.dll.