Fix Leaking Pipes

You can run up a big water bill in a hurry if you get a leak in your pipes. You need to know how to fix it fast until you can do a full repair or call a plumber. With a few steps, you can stop the leak temporarily and still have running water.


Stop the Leak Until You Can Repair or Replace the Pipe

  1. Shut off the water valve to the pipe.
  2. Turn on the faucets to drain the water that is left in the pipes.
  3. Wipe the pipe dry with a towel or cloth. Allow it to air dry completely before continuing.
  4. Use a putty knife to put some epoxy on the leaking area.
  5. Cover the leak with rubber. Make sure it is completely covered before moving to the next step.
  6. Tighten a clamp down on the rubber and allow it to set for an hour.
  7. Use water resistant tape to cover the rubber after it has dried. This will serve as double protection.
  8. Turn the water valve back on and make sure there is no leak.

Cut Out the Pipe if it Has a Large Leak

  1. Measure the size of the pipe and buy a replacement at your local plumbing or home improvement store.
  2. Shut off the water and drain the pipes.
  3. Use a metal cutting saw to cut out the damaged piece of pipe.
  4. Polish the ends of the remaining pipes.
  5. Solder the new piece in place if it is a copper pipe. Other types of piping will allow you to buy a replacement that has a union piece to join them.
  6. Tighten the coupling of the joining piece to make sure it is secure and doesn’t leak.
  7. Turn the water back on.


  • Keep supplies on hand so you can fix the leak quickly.
  • Don’t wait very long to replace the leaking pipe even if the leak has stopped. If you do not have the tools to replace the pipe, contact a professional.


  • If you are soldering the pipe into place, wear safety goggles and gloves.

Things You’ll Need

  • Rubber tape
  • Dry cloth
  • Epoxy
  • Clamp
  • Water resistant tape
  • New pipe
  • Soldering equipment

Related Articles

  • Temporarily Deal with a Water Leak

Sources and Citations

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