Fix Most Power Interruptions in a Computer

This article tells you how to tighten and increase connectivity of power cables in a computer. That would cause power interruptions resulting in hard drives or CD-Roms turning off while they are in use.


  1. Open your computer case.
  2. Unplug the power cables you want to tighten.
  3. Turn them facing you so you see down the barrel of each of the 4 pins.
  4. Take a pen and push the circular contact down until the semicircular edges almost touch.
  5. Plug in the power cables.
  6. Put your case cover back on and screw it back in.


  • Don't use a pencil! Graphite chips will increase the resistance of your power cables, making power flow less efficiently!
  • Don't let two pins/contacts touch each other. Short circuits could mean the death of your power supply and/or computer!

Things You'll Need

  • Fine/ medium tipped pen/ fine tipped tool.

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