Fix a Print Spooler
The print spooler helps your Windows computer interact with the printer, and orders the print jobs in your queue. If you see any error message about the print spooler, this tool has been corrupted or is failing to interact correctly with other software. You may need to try more than one method to fix the spooler.
Changing Print Spooler Properties
- Open your printer spooler properties. You can't solve all print spooler issues just by changing the options, but this is a quick and safe place to start. These methods should work on any version of Windows from XP onward (and may work on an earlier OS):
- Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialogue. Type services.msc and press ↵ Enter. Double-click Print Spooler.
- Alternatively, click Start → Control Panel → Administrative Tools → Services → Print Spooler
- Stop and start the spooler. The Stop and Start buttons are located in the Print Spooler Properties window you just opened, on the General tab. Some errors are fixed by stopping, then starting the print spooler again. Leave the window open, as we have a couple other changes to make.
- Set the Spooler to start up automatically. Select the drop-down menu following "Startup type." Select Automatic to ensure the spooler starts up each time your computer does, so it doesn't miss any incoming print jobs. Press Apply in the lower right to save your changes.
- Change the recovery options. Next, click on the Recovery tab. This controls how the spooler responds to its own errors. A few adjustments will maximize the chance of the spooler solving its own issues, and minimize the chance of it causing a crash. Change the settings to match the following:
- First failure: Restart the Service
- Second failure: Restart the Service
- Subsequent failures: Take No Action
- Reset fail count after: 1 days
- Restart service after: 1 minutes
- When you're finished, click Apply.
- Forbid interaction with desktop. Click the Log On tab. If the box next to "Allow interaction with desktop" is checked, uncheck it.Apply. Keeping this box checked can cause issues, and should not be necessary for any reasonably modern setup. As always, click
- Restart and try again. At this point, you can try printing again. You may need to close the Properties window and/or restart your computer before the changes take effect. If you still get an error message, continue on to the next step.
- Check dependencies. Return to the Print Spooler Properties window as described above, if you closed it. Click the Dependencies tab and look at the top box, labeled "This service depends on the following system components."
- Return to the Services window. If you closed it, open it again as described in the first step of this method.
- Find the name of one of the services you saw in the upper Dependencies pane, listed under the Name column.
- Confirm that the word "Started" is in the Status column for that file.
- Confirm that the word "Automatic" is in the Startup Type column for that file.
- If one of the services you looked up does not have these values, Stop and Start that service. You can do this with the icons in the Services window, or by double-clicking the service name and using the buttons in its Properties window.
- If the Stop and Start icons are greyed out, or if stopping and starting does not change the values to "Started" and "Automatic," try reinstalling the drivers as described . If this doesn't work, you may need a specific troubleshooting guide for that service, which may involve high-risk registry editing.
Look up the status of each service listed in this panel:
Restoring Default Printer State
- Clear the Print Queue. This will often fix the problem on its own. It is also a requirement before continuing to the steps below.
- Open the Services window (Windows key + R, type services.msc, press enter).
- Select Print Spooler and click the Stop icon, if it is not stopped already.
- Navigate to C:\Windows\system32\spool\PRINTERS and open this file. You may need to Enable-Viewing-Hidden-Files-and-Folders-in-Windows and/or enter an administrator's password.
- Delete all contents inside the folder. Do not delete the PRINTERS folder itself. Note that this will remove all current print jobs, so make sure no one on your network is using the printer.
- Return to the Services window, select Print Spooler, and click Start.
- Update printer drivers. Your printer driver may be corrupted, causing the spooler problems when it tries to handle faulty data from the printer. Try updating your drivers first. If this doesn't solve the problem, continue to the next step.
- Delete your printer. Your printer software may be corrupted. This quick process will remove it so you can start again with a fresh installation:
- Unplug your printer or disconnect from a wireless printer.
- Search for "Devices and Printers" in the search bar, then click to open it.
- Right-click the icon for the printer that's failing to print. Click "Delete" on the drop-down menu.
- Delete the printer driver. The driver must be uninstalled separately. Leave your Devices and Printers window open, and make these changes:
- Left-click any other printer icon, then click Print Server Properties on the top menu bar.
- In the Properties window, click the Drivers tab.
- Select the driver for the deleted printer, then click Remove.
- If you choose "Remove driver and driver package," the installation package will be deleted as well. Only do this if you know where to find a new installation package for that driver.
- Reinstall your printer. Plug your printer back in and follow the onscreen instructions to reinstall the printer. If you deleted the driver package, you will also need to download a replacement. Look for this on the printer manufacturer's website.
- Delete reappearing printers with Print Management. If your printer or driver keep reappearing, or fail to uninstall, this tool can sometimes do the trick. It is only available for Windows 7 Pro/Ultimate/Enterprise and Windows 8 Pro/Enterprise. Use it as follows:
- Navigate to Start → Administrative Tools → Print Management, and log in with an administrator password. If you can't find this, try Start → Control Panel → System & Security → Administrative Tools → Print Management.
- In the left pane, click the arrow next to Print Servers to expand the list.
- Click the arrow next to your computer (marked Local).
- Click Printers in the left pane. Find the printer you're having trouble with in the right pane, right-click it, and select "Delete."
- Click Drivers in the left pane. Right-click each driver used by that printer, and select "Delete" to uninstall it. (You will not be able to uninstall it if another printer is using it.)
- Alternatively, right-click the driver and select "Remove Driver Package." This will uninstall the driver and delete the installation package. This is sometimes necessary, but you will not be able to reinstall the driver until you download a new installation package.
- Connect to the printer to reinstall it. Download a new driver if you removed the driver package.
Scanning System Files
- Restart your computer in Safe Mode. While not always necessary, this increases the chance that the scan will succeed.
- Open Command Prompt with administrator privileges. Search for "Command Prompt" with the search bar. Right-click Command Prompt and select "Run as administrator." Enter your administrator password.
- Enter the scan command. In the window that opens, type sfc /scannow and press ↵ Enter. You must type this exactly as it appears. This tells System File Checker to scan your files for corruption, and attempt to repair them.
- This will revert your system files back to the default state. If you've intentionally modded them, backup your computer before you start the scan.
- Wait for the scan to complete. Leave the Command Prompt window open while the scan checks your files. Read the message once it's done:
- If it says "Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them," restart your computer in regular mode, then try to print.
- If it says "Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them," continue to the next step.
- For any other message, try another solution listed on this page.
- Find the corrupt file. If the scan identifies problems but failed to repair them, you'll need to do so yourself. Find more information as follows:
- In the Command Prompt, type findstr /c:"[SR]" %windir%\Logs\CBS\CBS.log >"%userprofile%\Desktop\sfcdetails.txt" and press ↵ Enter.
- Find Sfcdetails.txt on your Desktop and open it.
- Find the report with today's date. Find the name of the file that's corrupted or missing.
- Find a new copy. Find this file on another computer with the same version of Windows, and Transfer-Files-from-PC-to-PC. Alternatively, download a new copy from online — but make sure you do so from a trustworthy website.
- It is also possible to extract the file from a Windows installation disk.
- Install the new copy. Here's how to replace the corrupted file with a new one:
- In Command Prompt, type takeown /f followed by a space and the exact path and file name of the corrupt file. It should look something like this: takeown /f C:\windows\system32\oldfile. Press ↵ Enter.
- Next, enter the command icacls (path to corrupt file) /grant administrators:F — replacing "(path to corrupt file)" with the same path and file name you used above.
- Transfer the new file by entering copy (path to new file) (path to corrupt file), replacing the words in parentheses with the correct paths and file names.
- Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP Professional x64 Edition can encounter a bug that prevents the computer from receiving print jobs from a certain printer. You can download a fix from the Microsoft support website.
- There are many downloadable tools that try to fix your print spooler automatically. Only download files from a reputable source, or your computer could become infected with a virus.
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