Fix a Vacuum Cleaner
Vacuum cleaners are one of those things you may not think much about until yours goes on the blink. Fortunately, they're fairly simple machines and often quite easy to service yourself. Check the basic items first, then make your way inside.
- Examine the vacuum cleaner and determine what sort of thing is wrong. Is it not turning on? Is it not staying on? Is it vacuuming weakly or unevenly? Is it leaving fuzz or other debris behind? Is it tripping a circuit breaker? Is it producing a noise or an odor as it runs?
- Verify that your vacuum cleaner is plugged in and turned on, and that the electrical outlet has power flowing to it. If you don't have a circuit tester, try plugging in a lamp or radio that you know works. Yes, it's obvious, but without electricity, your vacuum cleaner isn't going to get any work done.
- Check for an over-temperature feature. Some vacuum cleaners have a device that stops the machine if it overheats. If your vacuum cleaner cuts out, unplug it, check your manual and wait for a period of time (perhaps 20 or 30 minutes). Then, check for obstructions or other problems, and carefully turn it on again.
- Note that vacuums sometimes have a small in-line thermal fuse that's almost hidden between the switch lead and the coil of the motor. It's not easily noticed and has tape covering it. A common type is a SEFuse SF109e available for about $1-2 (US) each on line.
- Make sure you have done everything in Maintain a Vacuum Cleaner. If the machine operates but functions weakly (poor suction), or if the vacuum cleaner is leaving debris behind, or if you smell dust or a general burning sort of odor. Then check the vacuum cleaner again. If it functions satisfactorily, there is no need to proceed past this level.
- Replace the bag and clean all filters.
- Make sure the airways are clean. Clear any clogs in the hose using a broom handle or a bent coat hanger wire. Be careful not to pack clogs further in or punch through the hose with the wire.
- Replace the belt(s). Make sure the belts are engaging the brush roll, the drive shaft, and any other moving parts, such as power-drive rollers. A slipping belt may produce a distinct odor, that of hot rubber and/or plastic.
- Clean the brush roll and make sure it is spinning freely. Lubricate the bearings. Replace the bearings or the entire brush roll, if necessary. Brush rolls may be made out of wood, especially in older models, or out of plastic in newer models.
- Check to make sure that the brush roll is actually spinning when it should be. One way is to turn on the vacuum cleaner and carefully look underneath. Never touch the spinning brush roll, and be sure to keep loose clothing, hair, etc. clear.
- Some vacuum cleaners have an idler or switch that disengages the brush roll when the handle is up or when a switch is set for hard floors. Make sure that the switch is set for carpeting and that the idler engages when the handle is down.
- Follow the electrical path, especially if the vacuum doesn't turn on at all. Use a multimeter to check continuity. You are looking for open circuits. Clean the contacts and replace any segment of this path that lacks continuity. Be certain to use the correct fuse. Reset the breaker(s).
- From the plug to just before the switch.
- Across the switch when the switch is closed (in the 'on' position).
- Across any fuses or breakers built in to the vacuum.
- From the switch to the motor.
- Back along the other wire from the motor to the outlet. Remember that electricity must travel in a full circuit.
- Across any electrical connections made on the hose.
- The connection between the cord and the rest of the unit if there is a spring-loaded cord re-winder. Because it moves, this can be a point of failure.
- Look for reasons that any fuses you replace or breakers you reset have gone out. Is there a short circuit somewhere? Is the motor going out? Correct any problems you find.
- Inspect the motor for proper operation. It may not be economical to replace the entire motor (it can cost as much as a new vacuum cleaner), but you may be able to service certain parts of it.
- Inspect the brushes. If they are worn, replace them.
- Pry open the brush housing.
- Remove and replace the brushes, making sure to reconnect the electrical wires as you found them and re-close the brush housing.
- Replace the bearings or apply fresh lubrication. There are bearings for the motor and blower (often connected). There may also be bearings for the drive shaft and any powered drive wheels. Look anywhere that something is spinning (or should be).
- Before dismantling the motor or removing the blower, see if there is any side-to-side play in the shaft. If there is, it is a pretty good clue that the bearings are shot.
- Inspect the blower for bent or broken fins. Replace it if you find any. The blower is generally attached directly to the motor. Any unevenness could cause an imbalance, which could, in turn, damage the motor or bearings.
- This is one place where you might find a left-handed screw thread, depending on the vacuum cleaner design.
- Replace any broken wheels. Replacing wheels is not a big deal, but broken wheels can sure slow you down. Here are wheels on two different vacuum cleaners. You may have to remove caps or covers to access the wheel attachment points.
- This wheel has an E-clip holding it on. Remove the metal E-clip with pliers. Replace the wheel, then the clip.
- Replace this wheel by squeezing these tabs together until the whole wheel pops off. The new wheel should snap right in.
- Repair any leaks. If something has punctured the hose, remove it with pliers and cover the opening with electrical tape. Silicone sealant is another good choice.
- Listen to your vacuum cleaner for any noise that is out of the ordinary, and try to figure out what is causing it. Franklynn Peterson advises, "Here is a rough guide to use in locating noises. Bent fan blades should stir up considerable vibration as well as noise. Worn ball bearings generally rumble and have spurts of sound mixed in with the general din. Sleeve bearings, when they wear, put out a steady scraping sound." Ball bearings may also produce a high-pitched whine.
- Check office supply, janitorial supply, or vacuum cleaner stores stores. They sell a magnetic bar that goes across the front lower edge of the cleaner to pick up metal objects like paper clips and paper staples before they enter the vacuum cleaner. If you install such a strip, occasionally remove this debris.
- If the sound of your vacuum cleaner suddenly changes (gets much louder or higher or develops a rattle, for instance), stop the machine immediately and figure out what is wrong. Running a vacuum cleaner with one problem can quickly cause further damage.
- Regular maintenance can prevent more major repairs.
- The first time you open up your vacuum cleaner, look around inside to understand how it works. Vacuum cleaner configurations vary, but here are the basics:
- At its core is a motor that drives an centrifugal fan. This blower drives air out an exhaust, creating a partial vacuum inside the machine. This suction carries soil and dirt out of your carpet and into bag or other container.
- The motor usually also drives a brush roll, also known as a beater bar or agitator. This is a cylindrical brush that rotates in contact with the carpet to loosen soil.
- The electrical wiring carries power through a switch, through a fuse, and to the motor.
- Motors are costly, so consider carefully whether you want to replace one that is blown out. It may cost almost as much as the vacuum cleaner.
- Remove dust and debris as you go, anywhere you find it. A tangle of hair or a dust clog could cause a problem directly or could cause other things to overheat. Brush, pull, or wipe it out of the way, and try not to push it further in.
- Avoid vacuuming solid objects like pebbles and pennies. In many vacuum cleaners, the air full of dirt goes right past the blower on its way to the bag. Those objects become projectiles that can damage the blower.
- Be careful dismantling a spring-loaded cord winder. The spring could go flying. Release as much tension on the spring as you can, and point it away from your face as you open it.
- Unplug your vacuum cleaner before performing any maintenance on it, especially before handling the brush roll or touching internal parts or wires. A vacuum cleaner that turns on unexpectedly while you are working on it can injure you.
- Work safely with electricity. If you don't understand what you're doing inside an electrical device, take your vacuum cleaner to a professional repair shop.
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- Change a Bag on a Vacuum Cleaner
- Maintain a Vacuum Cleaner
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Sources and Citations
- How to Fix Damn Near Everything, Franklynn Peterson, 1977.
- Home Appliance Repair Manual, Popular Mechanics (Allen Bragdon, et. al.), 1981.